Catalog excerpts
♦ Eykelkamp Soil & Water Bi-partite root auger set Meet the difference Eijkelkamp Soil & Water Nijverheidsstraat 30, 6987 EM Giesbeek, the Netherlands
Open the catalog to page 1Nothing in this publication may be reproduced and/or made public by means of print, photocopy, microfilm or any other means without previous written permission from Eijkelkamp Soil & Water. Technical data can be amended without prior notification. Eijkelkamp Soil & Water is not responsible for (personal) damage due to (improper) use of the product. Eijkelkamp Soil & Water is interested in your reactions and remarks about its products and operating instructions.
Open the catalog to page 2On these operating instructions If the text follows a mark (as shown on the left), this means that an important instruction follows. If the text follows a mark (as shown on the left), this means that an important warning follows relating to danger to the user or damage to the apparatus.The user is always responsible for its own personal protection. Introduction The bi-partite root auger is part of the root auger set for sampling to a depth of 2 m. It includes an Edelman auger, a Riverside auger, an impact-absorbing hammer and various accessories. The root auger lends itself to taking...
Open the catalog to page 3At a distance of 5 cm above the gear casing, a pin (11) is driven right through the handle. The pin can be removed and held in a dummy hole (12). The pin blocks the extruder in its lower position to prevent damage during hammering in. It has a bracket to clamp it onto the auger. A short upper part with beating head is used to drive or hammer the auger into the soil. A special impactabsorbing hammer is used to pound the auger. The steel hammer is impact-absorbing because its head contains lead bullets flowing in the direction of the stroke upon impact. Its nylon cups prevent damage to the...
Open the catalog to page 4Utility probe The fibre glass utility probe measures 105 cm and has a 19-mm cone diameter. It is fully insulated and can be safely used to check for cables, tubes and pipes. 2. Safety Prior to augering use the utility probe to check for cables, tubes and pipes (inquire at your municipality or other relevant organisations). If necessary, select another spot to auger. Locking the extruder and removal of the crank handle will prevent any play in, and damage to, the combined gear rack and gear-wheel when pounding the root auger. If force of impact is needed, always use the impact-absorbing...
Open the catalog to page 54. Insert the root auger into the soil. Without force of impact. In lighter soils, the bi-partite root auger can be hand-screwed into the soil. Turn it clockwise and push it gently 15 cm into the soil. The drilling crown cuts out soil with roots. Always rotate the auger clockwise! With force of impact. In harder soil types, the bi-partite root auger is driven into the soil using the impactabsorbing hammer. Hold the auger with one hand by the handle (see figure, previous page). Use the impactabsorbing hammer to drive the auger into the soil for max. 15 cm. If force of impact is needed,...
Open the catalog to page 6Edelman auger and Riverside auger Edelman auger, combination type 1. Hold the auger by the synthetic handle and rest it on the ground (see figure). 2. Rotate it clockwise while gently pushing it into the soil. Upon 2¼ rotations (360°), the auger should have dug 10 cm. The auger body will be filled up to its bracket with slightly disturbed soil material. Depending on the type of soil additional rotations may be necessary. Do not overfill the auger body. Superfluous material will coat the auger hole, which hinders further sampling and removal of the sample Do not force, or pound on, the...
Open the catalog to page 7The bi-partite root auger can be used in almost any kind of soil, regardless of the resistance of penetration. The standard set allows sampling to a depth of 2 m. The samples are practically undisturbed and equal in size and volume. This is relevant when comparing the root density of different soil samples. The bi-partite root auger is used in: Research into rootability, depth and complexity of root systems in soil layers. Root sampling in urban areas (little space is required, it will suffice to lift one paving stone). Sampling of compost, in combination with the Edelman auger. The...
Open the catalog to page 8All Eijkelkamp catalogs and technical brochures
Rust on augers and gouges
2 Pages