

Catalog excerpts

VIMAGO™ GT30 - 1

One Imaging Platform, Vast Applications Safer, Innovative Imaging With More Applications Highest Resolution Clinical 3D Imaging Consistent Resolution From Every Angle 3D Pixels - Isotropic Voxels | No Interpolation Equivalent Contrast To Conventional CT Dynamic Fluoroscopic Studies ANIMAL HEALTH

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VIMAGO™ GT30 - 2

HD VI Vimago™ GT30 Image Quality High Definition Volumetric Imaging is a major innovation in Computed Tomography. It is executed by creating a 3-dimensional map of densities in the scan area with isotropic voxels that have equal resolution in all planes. Unlike standard CT systems, Epica’s Vimago™ utilizes non-interpolated data which represents the anatomy exactly as it is. Standard CT systems utilize interpolated data which is the outcome of computational approximations needed to fill gaps in data. Vimago™ HDVI technology provides clearer, higher accuracy visualizations of anatomy and...

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VIMAGO™ GT30 - 3

Primary Imaging Oncology Angiography Dentistry Interventional Radiology Urology Myelography Airway Foreign Bodies Trauma Arthrography Aural In addition to providing better diagnostic confidence, Vimago™ imaging platforms use considerably less radiation than standard CT, making it a safer option for practitioners and their animal patients. With Vimago™ you can practice better, safer medicine.

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VIMAGO™ GT30 - 4

Market Leader in High Definition Volumetric Imaging □ Diagnose abnormal blood vessels □ Diagnose/identify cancer (nearly anywhere in the body) □ Disorders of the abdomen such as uroliths and ectopic ureters □ Diagnose/identify disorders of bones and joints □ Obtain detailed dental images in a few minutes □ Guide biopsies and other minimally invasive procedures □ Utilize for surgical planning to improve outcomes 3D images provide Veterinarians with a collaboration and communication tool that helps a pet owner to better understand their pet’s condition and help them make faster, more informed...

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