Catalog excerpts

Company Profile 21_22 English
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Corporate identity. Excellence, innovation, passion and knowledge. These are the essential values of Ferbo, historic company that designs and produces irrigation solutions, fire-fighting systems and other solutions to meet energy demand. A dynamic reality located in the heart of Montefeltro, between Italian regions Marche, Toscana and Emilia Romagna. Ferbo is a determined, reactive and reliable company, that has laid its foundations on the ability to offer innovative solutions to respond to market needs
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Ferbo Rain Division Ferbo has been the first company in Italy to produce professional irrigation machines. The wide and differentiated production range adapts to the diverse needs of the customer; the FerboRain hose reels, with their innovative capabilities, have low pressure absorption and low maintenance costs. Likewise, motor pump groups range allows the customer to have access to multiple solutions too; indeed, we work directly in co-operation with the best engines and pumps manufacturers.
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Ferbo Energy Division Ferbo, historic company and leader in the field of industrial engineering, introduces the Ferbo Energy brand, as symbol of generating sets department. Ferbo Energy offers an extensive range of excellent systems, which meet the modern requirements of energy need, developed with research, advanced technology and manufactured with high quality materials. Ferbo allows the customization of products based on customer specifications.
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Ferbo Fire Division Ferbo Fire is the department dedicated to the design and production of fire-fighting systems, able to offer the most suitable solution according to the different applications, through systems that fully comply with current regulations. The high quality of the products is guaranteed by the use of only primary brand materials and by accurate tests carried out by specialized personnel in an appropriate laboratory.
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Quality Concept. Those who choose the Ferbo brand, choose quality. Quality in terms of products, service and customer support. This means taking advantage of the long-standing sector-specific experience and technical know-how, along with the use of advanced technologies, robotic processing systems, first choice materials and highly specialized operators.
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Tailor made production. The ability to fully satisfy all customer needs is the company’s added value. Ferbo is able to offer innovative solutions for irrigation and energy demand and, above all, it allows maximum customization of the products, starting from the initial project, up to the final realization, making use of a large stock of all the best brands on the market.
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Turnover and growth. Thanks to its three departments, Rain, Energy and Fire, Ferbo has maintained a positive trend over the years, with an average annual growth rate of 10%. These data allow us to forecast a constant increase in turnover even for future years. (Forecast) (Forecast)
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International brand. Ferbo is consolidating its important presence in worldwide markets. Europe, Africa and Australia are our main continents reference nowadays. In the next goals: development of the Asian and American markets.
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Ferbo Rain production. Fixed machines (F) and turntable machines (G) for irrigation.
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Ferbo Rain production. Hydraulic machines (H) for irrigation FerboRain Incorporati
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Ferbo Rain production. Motor pump units and motor clutches. Silent motor pump 4-6 cyl Motor pump 4-6 cyl with roof Motor clutches with roof and net Motor pump 4-6 cyl with roof and net Selfpriming motor pump Silent selfpriming motor pump
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Ferbo Energy production. Generator sets.
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Ferbo Energy production. Special products. Super soundproof gen sets 55 dB(A) Gen sets powered by natural gas Light towers Engine driven welders
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Engines, alternators, control panels Ferbo Energy Engines brands. VOLVO PENTA JOHN DEERE MECC ALTE LINZ ELECTRIC MARELLI MOTORI LEROY SOMER Alternators brands. Control panels brands.
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Ferbo Fire production. Fire-fighting systems. Fire-fighting systems under EN12845 regulation Fire-fighting systems under EN12845 UNI 10779 regulation
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Ferbo Fire production. Fire-fighting systems. Fire-fighting systems NFPA20 regulation
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Business contacts. Company address. Ferbo srl - Via Foglia 2 - 61026 Lunano (PU) Italia Phone +39 0722 700315 Fax + 39 0722 700332 Web www.ferbo.net Email info@ferbo.net
Open the catalog to page 18All FERBO catalogs and technical brochures
Ferbo Energy
15 Pages
Ferbo Rain
19 Pages
3 Pages
3 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
2 Pages
6 Pages