Catalog excerpts

SeaLight LED underwater aquaculture lamp system combines a high output and long life in a compact, energy saving package. With up to a 72% energy saving and a life expectancy of 70,000 hours; fuel/power consumption is reduced and downtime is minimal, saving you money while also being great for the environment. • Each lamp uses just 240W of power but produces the equivalent of a 1Kw conventional metal halide lamp • Great for the environment with savings of up to 72% on either electricity or fuel compared to conventional lamps • 0-100% dimmable and 14 times longer lifespan than conventional lights • Each pen or tank can be independently controlled, allowing dimming and brightening to be set out of normal hours • Up to four lights can be controlled and are dimmable from one control box. • Incredibly simple installation • Less energy use means it is better for the environment than conventional lighting LED Options SeaLight is available in two types - anodised and stainless steel. Different coloured lighting options are also available including blue LED and normal LED lighting. SeaLight LEDs are manufactured in-house in Scotland at our marine technology facilities using the skills of our highly experienced and professional engineers.
Open the catalog to page 1
Complete control Up to four lights can be controlled from one control box with the ability to control dimming and brightening on each light from 0-100%. Discover more about our marine technology by visiting our aquaculture website. gaelforceaquaculture. com For more information B +44 (0) 1463 229400 or (?) gaelforcegroup.com 65
Open the catalog to page 2All Gael Force Aquaculture catalogs and technical brochures
SeaFeed Software
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SeaSight Double Winch
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SeaSight PTZ
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SeaMate 400T/450T
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SeaMate 300T/350T
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SeaSight 101
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SeaSight 410
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Triton 400
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Aquaflex 250
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