Catalog excerpts

DATI TECNICI /technical data/donnes techniques hydro SPESSORE PRESSIONE DI ESERCIZIO PRESSIONE MAX THICKNESS / EPAISSEUR WORKING PRESSURE / PRESSION D' EXERCICE MAXIMUM PRESSURE / PRESSION MAXIMAL Labirinto ininterrotto ad ampia sezione con flusso turbolento per un’ottima uniformita di erogazione. Gli ingressi del labirinto sono prefiltrati per conferire una maggiore resistenza all’occlusione. Large section continuous labyrinth with turbolent flow assuring the best water distribution. The labyrinth inlets are pre filtered increase the resistance to clogging. Labyrinthe continu a large...
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cm: distanza fra le manichette / cm: distance between the tape lines / cm: distance entre les gaines m/ha: metri di manichetta per ettaro / m/ha: meters of tape per hectare / m/ha: metres de gaine par hectare m3/h-ha: metri cubi ora di acqua per ettaro / m3/h-ha: meter cubes of water per hour, per hectare m3/h-ha: metres cubes par heure par hectare LAYflat LAYfit refit RACCORDI PER TAPE / TAPE CONNECTIONS / RACCORDS POUR LA GAINE D'IRRIGATION
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The reliability of Hydrolight depends not only on the advan ed production systems and the c constant quality control, but also on a direct contact with farmers who are using it with suc ess. c La fiabilité de Hydrolight dérive non seulement des systèmes de production de pointe utilisés et du controle constant de la qualité, mais aussi des suggestions et des idées des agriculteurs qui l’utilisent de plus en plus avec succès. FILTRI / FILTERS / FILTRES GIUNTI S.P.A. Via Giacomo Giunti 3 06019 UMBERTIDE (PG) - ITALY T. +39 075 941801 - Fax +39 075 9410584 info@giuntispa.it - www.giuntispa.it...
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2 Pages
4 Pages
TORNADO F1 40x125
63 Pages