Catalog excerpts
Western Europe's no 1 in agricultural trailer production Your success is based on our quality
Open the catalog to page 1Company history Quality, experience and diversity "Tradition is retained progress, progress is continued tradition." Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Nearly no one combines progress and tradition as Brantner does. The roots go back to a long-established forge situated in Laa/ Thaya. The company survived World War I and II and has grown from a small forge to a production site of air-tired horse trailers and subsequently tractor trailers. Progress and further development have always been part of the company and have led it to what it is today. The current market position (market leader in...
Open the catalog to page 2Production Create quality Your success is based on our quality. 3 To grant a product´s excellent quality it is necessary to produce it on your own. Due to this fact 100% of Brantner’s products are manufactured in Laa/Thaya, Austria and they are proud to set standards in terms of quality concerning agricultural and municipal tippers. Brantner’s experience and the experience of the employees grant that every product produced becomes a masterpiece, which by continuous further development grows into a product fulfilling the customers’ requests. At the beginning of the production process there...
Open the catalog to page 3ACC 866 New dimension in surface coating "Corrosion makes even the best product worthless. To avoid this fact we use ACC." Hans Brantner ) means: Autophoretic Coating Chemicals $XWRSKRUHVH LV D SURFHVV ZKLFK JHQHUDWHV D FRUURVLRQ FRDW WKURXJK D chemical reaction not by the use of electric current. %\ D FKHPLFDO DQG FXUUHQWOHVV UHDFWLRQ DQ RUJDQLF FRDW RI D SRO\PHUH emulsion is created. An extreme clear metal surface is required. %\ WKH XVH RI WKLV SURFHGXUH DQ DOODURXQG FRDWLQJ FDQ EH DFKLHYHG HYHQ on complex parts. $Q H[FHOOHQW ERG\ FDYLW\ FRDWLQJ LV JUDQWHG EHFDXVH RI WKH PLVVLQJ )DUDGD\...
Open the catalog to page 4ACC 866 Corrosion protection How ACC-quality is created alcaline cleaner water rinse 1 water rinse 2 acid cleaner 1 acid cleaner 2 water rinse 2 water rinse 1 alcaline cleaner spray neutralisation water rinse 3 DI water - rinse 4 ACC866 - coating water rinse 5 reaction rinse drying / curing Many steps – an excellent result In the ACC866 process the cleaning of the metal surface is of great value. Impurities like oil, fat, corrosion, dust and so on are removed in 11 steps (acid cleaning, scouring, high pressure flushing and dip flushing). After cleaning the actual ACC866 process starts in 3...
Open the catalog to page 5Advantages Extruded profile – chassis frame The frames are either C-, G- or double-C-profiles and cold-pressed in one piece. Additional strutting or cross stiffening facilitates a maximum degree of security also in uneven terrain. This allows us to grant a 10-year warranty on the chassis frame of our tippers. Suspension Leaf and parabolic springs with spring support facilitate best suspension properties. The biggest possible spring distance and the biggest possible frame width respectively cause optimal steadiness and smooth running characteristics. Trapezoidal tipping frame The trapezoidal...
Open the catalog to page 6ANTY WARR AR RAME 10-YE SIS-F S E CHA R ON TH TIPPE F OUR O Ball tipping mounting The self-centering ball socket grants exact guide conduct – even in uneven terrain. The tipping mounting, which is set far apart and has large scale balls, is placed far in the back in order to reach a great tipping height. Tipping linchpin with crosswise lokking device The special construction prevents crosswise locking. Patented, self-cleaning steel sheet base The 4 or 5 mm thick steel sheet base from one piece (foil seam fusion) is folded to all 4 sides. Because of the patented steel sheet base edge the...
Open the catalog to page 7Single-axle tipper “A versatile machine for all kinds of operations with excellent manoeuvrability.” Hans Brantner The single-axle tipper is a true multiple purpose machine. No matter if wood, grain, cattle, leaves or other things – the single-axle tipper can deal with them all. A multitude of various platform models and additional equipment enable Brantner to build operational machines that meet the needs of each customer. This is made easier by the ELJ UDQJH RI W\UH HTXLSPHQW %HFDXVH RI LWV GHPRQVWUDWLYH PRELOLW\ DQG D PD[LPXP WRWDO ZHLJKW RI WR WRQV the single-axle tipper is exactly the...
Open the catalog to page 8([WUXGHG SUR¿OH – chassis frame Because of the cold-pressed CSUR¿OH DQG WKH DGGLWLRQDO VWUXWWLQJ the frames are especially stable and non-tilting. We grant a 10-year warranty on the chassis frame. Tipping facility The especially strong cardanically mounted, hard-chromed telescopic cylinders offer great lifting heights for smooth tipping. Trapezoidal tipping frame The trapezoidal tipping frame is the highest in the range of tipping cyOLQGHUV %\ WKH XVH RI WKH 9SUR¿OH enormous stability is achieved together with a low weight (truck construction). Braking systems :H RIIHU D FDEOH SXOO EUDNH D...
Open the catalog to page 9Tandem-axle tipper “After visiting the factory in Laa/Thaya I was thrilled by the Western European quality and the exact processing of Brantner’s tippers. My vehicle, which has just been delivered, totally comes up to my expectations.” German Dorn, Waltenhofen, GER Fields as well as streets are the home of tandem-axle vehicles. Because of the continually growing total weight running characteristics and the utilisation of high vertical loads are getting more and more important. Brantner’s tandem-axle tippers especially distinguish themselves through low construction heights, big spring...
Open the catalog to page 10([WUXGHG SUR¿OH ± FKDVVLV IUDPH Because of the cold-pressed C-, GDQG GRXEOH&SUR¿OH WKH DGGLWLRQDO strutting and a cross stiffening the frames are especially stable and non-tilting. We grant a 10-year warranty on the chassis frame. Trapezoidal tipping frame The trapezoidal tipping frame is the highest in the range of tipping cylinders. By the use of the V- or CSUR¿OH HQRUPRXV VWDELOLW\ LV DFKLHYHG together with a low weight (truck construction). Suspension of tandem vehicles The spring mounted tandem aggregate with vibration compensation allows low construction heights and smooth running...
Open the catalog to page 11