Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1© HEINE Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG. Printed in Germany, 10.2018 All information, specifications and illustrations contained in this catalogue are based on the latest product information available at the time of publication. Errors and omissions excepted. HEINE Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG reserves the right to change specifications and design at any time without prior notice. This document must not be copied, reprinted or reproduced in any form, either wholly or in part without the written consent of HEINE Optotechnik GmbH & Co. KG. Please observe the General Terms and Conditions of HEINE...
Open the catalog to page 3What's NEW? What's DIFFERENT? Just as we do every year, we’d like to kick off the new catalogue by highlighting the novelties. On the first few pages, we talk about our patent for dimmable BETA LEDHQ instrument heads, but also address topics which are very important to us, such as quality, in-house production inside Germany, the differences between conventional LED and LEDHQ, and the environment. And thus provide you with good arguments for HEINE primary diagnostic instruments.
Open the catalog to page 4The EasyClean LED Laryngoscope Handle is now joined by a short and a slim counterpart, completing the range of EasyClean handles: SHORT and SLIM now complement the Standard size and all three are still the only waterproof laryngoscope handles around the world* (page 086). The new iC 2 Charger for the iC 2 Funduscope is the world’s first inductive charging station to receive approval for a medical product. You can now set it down and charge in one step. Another cable less (page 067). The iPhone 8** now has a case of its own, too, and can be used with the iC 2 Funduscope, iC 1 Dermatoscope...
Open the catalog to page 5Quality has been the benchmark for our activities since the first day. HEINE Optotechnik has four basic principles which the company still observes to this day. And they all revolve around quality: First: Do something important and thus make a meaningful contribution to society. Second: Always build the best product. Third: Produce the entire product yourself, if it is critical to manufacturing the best quality. And fourth: Remain independent, so that you can always make the right long-term decisions. Because we continue to embrace these principles to this day, quality isn’t a meaningless...
Open the catalog to page 6PERFORMANCE Diagnostic performance takes top priority with our instruments – they should support the earliest and most accurate diagnosis possible. That’s because many medical examinations focus first on early detection of diseases and second on implementing the right therapy with the most precise diagnosis possible. FUNCTION Our instruments can be adjusted to offer optimal results in every examination situation. For instance, the doctor can adjust our OMEGA 500 to always achieve the best image for every pupil size, whether large or small. DURABILITY As a premium supplier, we ensure that...
Open the catalog to page 7If you want something to be done truly PERFECTLY, then you need to do it YOURSELF.
Open the catalog to page 8The HEINE maxim from the very start. For example, all products are developed and elaborated in our own research and development department. That’s because we firmly believe that it’s always better to define quality criteria yourself than to have them defined by suppliers. We manufacture many components ourselves, including housings, handles, branding, surface finishes, cables and lighting – and, of course, our precision lenses. That’s the only way to ensure that the results are as perfect as we want them to be. We manufacture around 85 per cent of all instrument parts at our own production...
Open the catalog to page 9Regardless of the type of medical examination, nothing is more important than unambiguous diagnosis – as early as possible and with maximum precision. And that requires the best illumination possible. LED is establishing itself in more and more applications, but not all LEDs are equal. HEINE has set a new standard which maintains that only the best is good enough, from the selection of materials to processing, from light intensity to dimmability, and from thermal management a colour rendering index as high as possible. That’s what we call LED in HEINE Quality – or LEDHQ. We have three...
Open the catalog to page 101. ILLUMINATION Every HEINE instrument with LEDHQ is developed in such a way that it delivers optimal illumination for the application in question. Depending on the application, the instrument is either preset or the brightness can be steplessly adjusted. At the same time, the light of the LEDHQ is homogenous and evenly distributed across the entire field of view. The result is even illumination up to the outer areas, without disturbing reflections, shadows, bright or dark spots. HEINE LEDHQ 2. EXCELLENT IMAGE The colour rendering index (CRI) shows how accurately colours are portrayed...
Open the catalog to page 11Another PATENTLY ingenious idea: LEDHQ heads offer stepless dimming between 3 and 100 %
Open the catalog to page 12You may call it ‘obsessed with details’. We call it ‘in love with details’. That’s why we’ve put lots of IQ into the dimmability of the LEDHQ instrument heads once more. The result is that our LEDHQ reduces fatigue, as the brightness of all dimmable instrument heads can be continuously adjusted between 3 and 100 %, without even a hint of flickering. Exclusively at HEINE. The patent office assessed the continuous brightness adjustment and provided us with the patent featuring number US 9839086 in early 2018. But they’re a little ‘in love with details’ there, too.
Open the catalog to page 13The role of environmental footprints is becoming more and more important in medical technology, too, whether it’s in production, throughout the operating life of a product, or disposal. Needless to say, this topic is also important to us – and has been for many years. Allow us to provide a few examples that reveal how we think and act. Is there an eco-friendlier product than a long-lasting product? And that applies to all our products, ranging from laryngoscope systems, otoscopes, loupes and lights to sphygmomanometers, ophthalmoscopes, stethoscopes and dermatoscopes. And it’s no different...
Open the catalog to page 15All Heine catalogs and technical brochures
HEINE VET Otoscope
2 Pages