Catalog excerpts
HYDROGEN GENERATION WITH FUEL PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Caratteristiche: • La tecnologia Hysytech per lo “Steam Reforming” a bassa pressione viene impiegata per la produzione di idrogeno ad alta purezza. • Questo processo si caratterizza per l’impiego di Gas Naturale o Biogas, con un bassissimo fabbisogno elettrico, comportando costi minimi d’installazione e di esercizio. • Possibilità di installare più moduli in parallelo. DESIGN DATA • Hysytech’s low-pressure steam reforming technology is used to produce high-purity hydrogen. • This process is characterized by the use of Natural Gas or Biogas, having a very low electrical requirement, with minimal installation and operating costs. • Multiple modules can be installed in parallel. CONSUMPTION DATA Natural Gas Electrical Power SPECIFICATIONS Hydrogen purity: Standard design for 99,99% - 99,9999% (grade 4.0 - 6.0). Other upon request Hydrogen Delivery Pressure: Standard design 5-12 barg. Others upon request Natural Gas Supply Pressure: Standard design 0,020 - 0,500 mbarg
Open the catalog to page 13 PCT Patents filled on 2009 2 License Agreements granted on 2011 CE Mark certified by third party on 2015 > 200 Units Manufactured by Q2 2017 COMBUSTIOR AIR (AMBIENT INTAKE) EXHAUST GAS (TO STACK) OR CO2 RECOVERY WATER SOFTENING COOLING, COMPRESSION & DRIYING POWER FUEL PROCESSOR START-UP BURNER FEEDSTOCK: NATURAL GAS OR BIOMETHANE DESULPHURIZATION UNIT DESULPHURIZED FEEDSTOCK Inside Battery Limits Outside Battery Limits INCOMING STREAM OUTGOING STREAM Easy & Low-Cost Installation Natural Gas (as low as 20 mbarg) Tap Water Low Power Requirements (400 VAC) Remote Monitoring and Control...
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