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Catalog excerpts

I8-20S - 1

INCINER8 I8-20S General Incinerator Summary I8-20S incinerator is one of the smallest general incinerators we make. The top loading design makes burning many types of waste streams easy. Fitted with a secondary chamber with afterburner functionality for the re-burn of harmful emissions through a 0.5 second retention time. Emission Data Average emissions / EU standards On basic incinerators (with secondary chamber) Limits Parameter (1/2hrav) Measured Operational Specs Physical Specs Combustion Chamber Volume (m3) 0.18m3 External Length (mm) 1070mm Average Fuel Consumption 9 kg External Height (mm) 3670mm Gas Retention in Secondary Chamber 0.5 secs Temperature Monitoring Yes Thermostatic Device Yes Options: Heat Exchanger Venturi Scrubber Pollution Control Systems Mobile Shelter Containerised https //www. i nci ner8.eom/i nci nerator- pr i nt.php?Productl D=6&ProductT y pe= 3

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I8-20S - 2

https ://www. i nci ner 8. com A nci nerator- pr i nt. php?Productl D=6&ProductTy pe= 3

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All Inciner8 catalogs and technical brochures

  1. i8-40B

    7 Pages

  2. i8-55B

    7 Pages

  3. i8-M250

    7 Pages

  4. i8-M700

    7 Pages

  5. i8-PC2

    7 Pages

  6. I8-sirocco

    2 Pages

  7. i8-M70

    7 Pages

  8. i8-M50

    7 Pages

  9. i8-M40

    7 Pages

  10. i8-M15

    7 Pages

  11. i8-M20

    7 Pages

  12. I8-700

    2 Pages

  13. I8M-15

    2 Pages

  14. I8M-60

    2 Pages

  15. I8M-120

    2 Pages

  16. I8-10S

    2 Pages

  17. I8-20A

    2 Pages

  18. I8-40S

    2 Pages

  19. I8-40A

    2 Pages

  20. I8-55S

    2 Pages

  21. I8-55A

    2 Pages

  22. I8-75S

    2 Pages

  23. I8-75A

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  24. I8-140

    2 Pages

  25. I8-200

    2 Pages

  26. I8-250

    2 Pages