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Liquid Control Equipment & Instruments Subject: Mixer information Just a few notes concerning the mixers: It is important that the motors turn in the direction as indicated by the arrow on the motor cover. Standing in front of the motor it thus needs to turn anti-clockwise, or from left to right ( shaft pointing down. ) Looking into the tank, the impellor needs to turn clockwise. When mounting the impellors, the round, higher part of the fin should be the leading edge, to ensure a downward pressure on the liquid in the tank. Should the impellor be placed on a flat surface the bottom of the impellor should rest on its fins. Position of mounting in the tank is as follows. Measure the outside diameter of the tank and divide it by five. That is then the distance the mixer should be mounted from the centre of the tank. It is also very important that the mixers do not run dry in the tank. There should always be fluid in the tank. Even with initial start-up there needs to be fluid in the tank. Should you need any more information, please feel free to contact us at +2783 4579991, or +2721 9135942. Regards Goeie dag . Dankie vir u aankoop van ons I-Feeder roerders. Net ‘n paar punte rakende die roerders. Dit is belangrik dat die roerders nie droogloop in die tenk nie. Selfs wanneer motor aanvanklik aangeskakel word moet daar vloeistof in die tenk wees. Die formule vir die opstelling van die roerders op die tenk is dan die buitemaat van die tenk, gedeel deur 5. Dit is dan die afstand vanaf die middel van die tenk waar die roerder opgestel moet word. Dit is belangrik dat die roerder loodreg in die tenk inloop, nie teen ‘n hoek nie. Die motor moet anti-kloksgewys roteer. Wanneer die roerder dus in die tenk gemonteer is, moet dit van regs na links roteer. Die twee drade wat by die terminaalboks ingebring word kan omgedraai word om te verseker dat die impellor kloksgewys roteer. Die motor draai in teenoorgestelde rigting as die impellor. Dit is belangrik dat die impellor so gemonteer word dat die hoër/ konvekse gedeelte in die rigting van rotering wys . Die roerder moet nie direk op die tenk vasgeboud word nie, maar op ‘n raam bo-oor tenk. Sou u enige verdere navrae hê voel asseblief vry om my te skakel. Groetnis e-mail:johan@irriquip.com Office:+27219135942 Cell:+27834579991 Address:49 Mahogany crescent, Bellville, South Africa www.irriqui

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e-mail:johan@irriquip.com Office: + 27 21913 5942 Cell: + 27834579991 Address:49 Mahogany crescent, Bellville, South Africa www.irriquip.com

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All Irriquip CC catalogs and technical brochures


    24 Pages