Jiffy portfolio catalogue
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Jiffy portfolio catalogue - 2

Developing sustainable plant growing solutions together More yield, less waste As a professional grower in horticulture and forestry, you seek the most innovative plant growing solutions to improve your efficiency and product quality. We at Jiffy have the best solutions to help you create more yield with less waste. Another innovative Jiffy product which is equally wellknown in the growing industry today, is the Jiffy-7 pellet. This product was launched in the late 1960s and began production in North America in 1982. This pellet is known all over North America as the “703”. Today, billions...

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JIFFY GROWBAGS As a professional grower, you seek cultivation systems which are consistent and result in reliable growth. Better still: you want a system which will spark extra-strong growth and higher yields, yet which is extremely efficient to transport, store and use. The Jiffy Growbag is the most powerful multipurpose growing medium available on the market today. Jiffy Growbags contain 100% coco substrate, made from the pithy tissues of the coconut husk. This is a renewable, environmentally-friendly substrate with no disposability issues. • Ready-to-use • Faster growth, higher yield •...

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The Jiffy High Yield Growbag is double-layered: the top layer is coco pith, which improves root development and therefore ensures the quickstart of growth. The bottom layer an airy substrate made of husk chips which has a high air content and ensures optimal oxygen diffusion rates in the root zone. Jiffy 5050 Growbags are often used for specific crops such as roses and strawberry. They contain a special combination of 50% coco pith and 50% husk chips, mixed for the best possible filling. The Jiffy 5050 has higher water-holding capacity, which makes it perfect for growing in hotter climates....

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JIFFY GROWBLOCKS All-in-one high yield solution Plastic pots are not efficient containers for professional nursery propagators and bedding plant growers. Roots keep growing when they reach the edge of a plastic pot which can structurally damage plants. Pots increase the risk of oxygenation or drainage issues. Pots are also labourintensive: another disadvantage: professionals need a high-yield solution. The answer? An all-in-one medium and container: the Jiffy Growblock – the number one choice for all cutflower and vegetable growers using hydroponic systems, greenhouses or other nursery...

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JIFFY POTS Professional nurseries, landscapers, greenhouse growers and hydroponic farmers all over the world can benefit from the range of advantages which the Jiffy Pot provides. You can save on labor with Jiffy Pots because you don’t need to de-pot: simply pot on or plant out – Jiffy Pot and all. You get faster rooting with a Jiffy Pot than with a plastic pot, thanks to no root disturbance and less root-zone temperature fluctuations. You can also reduce water consumption by 20% when Jiffy Pots are combined with the Jiffy Pot Tray, as this allows shorter, or less frequent, watering cycles....

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JIFFY PELLETS Great germination, higher profits Propagating seeds and cuttings or tissue culture with Jiffy Pellets has a number of clear advantages for professional horticultural, hydroponic and forestry growers alike. You can consistently record higher and faster levels of in-pot germination thanks to the uniform growing in Jiffy Pellets, consistent quality, means consistent results. Your plant yields will be higher as seedlings do not have to be removed from the container, the pellet eliminates root disturbance, and simply planted into the nest growing stage without transplant shock....

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Our Organic Jiffy-7C pellets are certified to be used for organic growing: www.intrants.bio and are suitable to be used for growing SKAL certified crops. PLA Netting Reducing the use of plastic in packaging and production purposes is an important global issue. Jiffy is now in the process of switching from PE and PP plastics to PLA netting for all Jiffy Pellets. PLA net is a lightweight (12-gram weight), fine-fibre bio-web made of polylactic acid. This material is designed for any growing applications and is made from material based on corn starch. The PLA net is biodegradable and...

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JIFFY PREFORMA Propagation plug solution for every grower If you are looking for a tailor-made solution of highest-quality substrates, bound together and well-suited to both hard-to-root cutting material and the easy propagating crops or demanding mechanized handling: then the Jiffy Preforma plant plug system is the answer. Professional growers worldwide benefit from the flexibility of the Preforma system. You control which trays are supplied, choose from a selection of substrates, and Preforma is ready to go, right off the delivery pallet. Preforma has a proven track record for a wide...

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JIFFY SUBSTRATES Superior mixes for all of today’s demands All professional growers want the optimal growing media mixes best suited to their crops. That sounds simple, but we all know this involves a huge range of variables. Every crop demands a reliable and consistent substrate composition to ensure optimal yield, plant stability, nutrient supply, water retention and ultimately, plant quality. Growers today also see more demand for organic crops and environmentally-friendly cultivation methods. The reusability and safe disposal properties of substrates are also a factor for our industry....

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TPS Jiffy’s TPS peat substrate mixes are delivered directly from our modern mixing facility in Estonia and are used for many crop applications. TPS substrates are fine-to-coarse structured mixes which contain specific blends of white and black peat, block peat and coir coconut pith. The mixes also include Tref Base Fertilizer TBF which provide the nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium (NPK) in the required balance, as well as trace elements, to ensure healthy plant growth. FORMiT Today’s ultramodern high-tech growers need special substrates which can meet their specific demands. For...

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All Jiffy Products International BV catalogs and technical brochures