Catalog excerpts

Garlic splitter Careful splitting The separation and classification of the cloves is the first step lor a uniform, regular plantation. High work output allows lor the amount shelled to be adapted to the rhythm Total length lcrr| Ltenl WUrt Ml«tt Vacuum cleaner Inspection belt Itsml Wlcml MIHSI Cloves Grader A.Feeding hopper The width of the hopper makes unloading the garlic bulbs lilted lo the splitter easier, using an adjustable speed belt driven by an electric The splitter, equipped with brushes and belts. separates the cloves to prevent pressure and product damage The position ot the...
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Precise, easy The garlic planters colled and position the garlic bulblets without damaging at the depth and dosage required. Their great efficiency. low maintenance and easy of use makes them a vital tool for any garlic producer The height-adjustable furrowing shares open up a minimum amount of sod and form a furrow to ensure the alignment of the sowing garlic bulblets. making their development and subsequent collection easier Each sowing unit has its own hopper with a capacity of around 50 kg., it being possible to plant different garlic bulblets sizes at the same C. Dispensing disk with...
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All of the picking mechanisms are driven by hydraulic motors enabled by the tractor's PTO. C. Front pulling up share A share is used lo cut the radicular system of the garlic and then tilt it gently to be collected by the bell system. The position and depth of The automatic binder adjusts the binding height. Ihe string pressure and the size of the bunches. lorming groups ol gartic bulbs bound by the leaves for belter collection and subsequent B. Leaf alignment guides Two front guides lift any fallen leaves and align the garlic plants to make picking and collection along the conveyor belts...
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Harvester cutter The harvester-cutters remove the bulb from the soil, remove part of the soil and cut the leaves, storing the bulbs in boxes or sacks of different sizes. Inter-rows distance |cm| Performance lHa/dayl All of the harvester's mechanisms are driven by hydraulic motors enabled by the tractor's PTO. C. Front pulling up share A share is used to cut the radicular system of the garlic and then lifts it gently to be collected by the belt system. The position and depth of the blade can be adjusted hyd radically. B. Leaf alignment guides Two front guides lift any fallen leaves and align...
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Supply GarUo Techviology Garlic Powered Roller Conveyor Used as an inspection lable to remove scrap, 3rd grade bulbs, stones, soil at magazine reception from the del before drying and storing Garlic Brusher Remove the soil, external dry peals and any other parts using rotative brushers without damage the garlic bulbs. Garlic Grader A consistent size improve the crop profit. The modular grader JJ Broch can be adapted as number of sizes as needed to optimize the crop marketing. Garlic Peeler Splitt and peel garlic allow you to make more profit of your production.
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c/ Oviedo. 1 * 3 28500 Arqanda del Rev - Madrid (Spain)
Open the catalog to page 7All JJ Broch S.L. catalogs and technical brochures
Bulb planter
3 Pages
JJBroch 2012 PostHarvest
7 Pages