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JANG ROLLER SELECTION GUIDE 955 Benton Ave., Winslow, ME 04901 • Phone: 1-877-564-6697 • Fax: 1-800-738-6314 Email: service@johnnyseeds.com • Website: Johnnyseeds.com The Jang JP Series Seeders offer a wide variety of seed sowing options with the use of different sized rollers. You can choose the right Jang roller for your needs by asking three basic questions: What is the shape of the seed you are using? What size is that seed? What is your desired seed spacing? 1. SEED SHAPE Most Jang rollers have round holes at varying widths and depths, so round and uniform seeds will be easiest to sow with the JP Series seeders. Some rollers are available with hole shapes for seeds that are irregular; the J rollers have half-moon shaped holes for long, narrow seed like cucumbers, and the N rollers have larger, scoop-shaped holes for seeding beans and corn. Due to the precision nature of this seeder, it is important to know that some seeds just may not work in the Jang. For some customer’s needs, creating a custom roller may work and we will talk about this later. For other seeds like calendula flowers, the seed is simply too irregular in size and shape to sow consistently with a precision seeder. Knowing your seed shape might also influence your seed buying decisions. For example, parsnip seed (see left) is very flat and often becomes tangled in the brush of the Jang JP Series Seeders, making it difficult to sow precisely. Therefore, many growers choose to buy pelleted seed for mechanical seeding. Raw and pelleted parsnip seed. 2. SEED SIZE Next, you will need to determine the size of the seed being sown. The Jang JP Series Seeders are equipped with a seed size gauge on the lid of the hopper (see right). This gauge shows hole sizes (width in mm). Using the largest seed you can find of your chosen variety, test it in each size hole until you find one where the seed sits loosely inside. This exercise is helpful for approximating what roller size you will need. Next, test the seed in the roller that has the closest hole size and adjust up or down as necessary. See the chart on the next page for roller hole sizing. TIPS FROM JOHNNY’S You can find roller recommendations for various seed varieties on our website, as well as results from our ongoing trials at our research farm in Albion, Maine. Pelleted seed shown in the seed size gauge. Copyright © 2018 Johnny’s Selected Seeds. All rights reserved. 1 SEED BREEDERS, GROWERS, AND MERCHANTS
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Ideally, you will want a roller where a single seed sits in the hole below the roller surface. You will notice in the photo to the left that this pelleted onion seed rests nicely in the LJ roller on the right and sticks out beyond the surface of the L roller on the left. Choosing a roller with the correct hole size for each seed variety you will be sowing ensures that your seed will not crack or jam while the seeder is in use. Some seed is simply too large to fit the hole on a roller. In this case, the Jang JP Series is not the right tool for the job. For instance, some bean varieties can...
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By manipulating these sprocket combinations, you can adjust the frequency with which the seed is dispensed in relation to the rotations of the drive wheel along the ground. This works much like shifting gears on a bicycle. The sprocket combination needed for sowing your seeds will depend on which roller you choose and your desired seed spacing. Choosing the Number of Holes Each Jang JP Series Seeder has a chart on the side of the chain guard (see below). This chart is used to determine the number of holes you will need on the roller to accomplish your desired spacing. You can see the top...
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Custom Rollers Some seed sizes do not fit perfectly in the current Jang roller models, and sometimes the hole size is correct, but the configuration is not sufficient for your desired spacing. In this case, Johnny’s offers a blank Z roller that can be customized to meet your specific seeding needs. Please follow the directions below for creating your custom Jang roller. 1. Number of Holes: Decide how many holes you want in your custom roller based on the Jang seed spacing chart (on the previous page). Mark where your holes will be drilled equidistant from one another along the circumference...
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Catalog 2024
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