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Catalog excerpts

CASTOR 20 R - 1

Feeder - Straw bedder Self-loading rear door Wrapped silage with long strands

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CASTOR 20 R - 2

Choose your machine in the more complete range of the market, and benefit from the experience of a leader ! The experience in the strawbedding’s and feeding’s service ! Thanks to an experience of 15 years, the Castor ® + range adapt to your farm : 2 kinds of beater bars for your feeds, and 6 volumes according to the size of your herd. All our machines have been designed to reach an optimal production in a minimum of time : • E asier loading cutting and shredding • F eed all sorts of forage • S pread straw simply and comfortably • Q uality feed This optimization will allow you, breeder, to...

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CASTOR 20 R - 3

CASTOR®+ R Feeder - Straw bedder Self-loading rear door

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CASTOR 20 R - 4

Couple your machine and drive easily ! Drive an appr machine ! Choose the coupling corresponding to your machine and to your needs ! Articulated coupling Fixed coupling Adjustable, it adapts to all machines and allows manoeuvrability and comfort by driving. Follows completely the tractor. Only for Castor®+ 20 (mounted machine). Hydraulic stand To stabilize your machine, on fixed coupling. Start and drive your Castor®+ R Comfort control Intuitive electric control Manual control LUCAS.G PATENT You can reach all functions with 3 fingers. Drive instinctively and supervise your work. One button...

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CASTOR 20 R - 5

CASTOR®+ R Feeder - Straw bedder Self-loading rear door A complete range from 2 to 18 m3 However your quantity of fibers is, you will find the suitable volume for you ! Castor®+ 20 The Castor®+ power available for mounted model ! A 2 m3 machine equipped with a Castor®+ beater-bar The best-seller of feeders - straw bedders ! A 3 m3 machine equipped with a Castor®+ beater-bar 2 models for differents needs : available with only one chain-bed or with 2 independent chain-beds «twin». A 6 m3 machine equipped with a Castor®+ beater-bar Castor®+ 60 Castor®+ 180 R, Polyfeed® System The new volume of...

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CASTOR 20 R - 6

Load your foods The doors Self-loading rear door Choose a door suitable to your fodder. Self-loading rear door 600 kg or 1200 kg. Reliable and strong. It is equipped with a roll bar that enables a easier loading of the bales Manual door Lifting rear door Benefit from equipments, to make your loading easier Mixing hopper Second control station for self-loading rear door For adding your dry foods, we propose a mixing hopper 500 L Available for Castor+ 60 and 30 Available for Castor®+ 80, 60 and 30. In series for Castor+ 180 and Polyfeed with self-loading rear doo

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CASTOR 20 R - 7

CASTOR®+ R Feeder - Straw bedder Self-loading rear door For shredding your bales 2 kinds of beater bars suitable to your needs : Polyfeed® beater-bars Castor®+ beater-bars For wrapped silage wit long strands Special for short strand Beater-bars for wrapped silage bales with long strands. Fast and strong shredding of your fibers ! Beater-bars for the short strands. You do not have long strands, reach an unequalled performance in strawbedding ! Available for Castor®+ 180. Standard for Polyfeed® 12. For an optimized and fast shredding, our beater bars are equipped with : V shaped knives...

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CASTOR 20 R - 8

Feed your foods Choice of the chute for feeding In order to answer your requirements we have developped two kinds of chute : • Right lateral chute • niversal chute U A regular feeding. Straw spreading till 18 meters. Fluid and regular output, controlled from your tractor. Swivelling 270°. • craper cut-off plate S Regular feeding and no more stuffing problems ! LUCAS.G patent You can choose two ways of feeding : • irect feeding D • eeding via the slide F The foods are directly laid on the ground. The foods slide, and are then laid on th

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CASTOR 20 R - 9

CASTOR®+ R Feeder - Straw bedder Self-loading rear door Spread straw your farm You can spread straw 270° Straw-spreading up to 15 m with universal chute or 18 m with right lateral chute. Fluid and regular straw-bedding ! Dimensions of the models Castor®+ 20

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CASTOR 20 R - 10

Our Castor+ machines in action Loading Castor®+ Castor®+ Castor®+ Castor®+ Castor®+ Castor®+180 Polyfeed® 80 60 60 Twin 30 20 Polyfeed® 180 12 Feeding or Capacity of Round bale 2 straw-bedding bales loading or straw + 1 on 2 Ø 2 m maxi R door Cubic bale 2 hay or straw + 1 on 2 1,2 x 0,9 x 2,5 m R door Square bales 1 hay or straw 1 + 1 on R door 1,2 x 1,2 x 2,5 m Round bale 1 1 wrapped silage short strand + 1 on R door Ø 1,5 x 1,2 m < 30 cm Cubic bale 1 1 wrapped silage short strand + 1 on R door 1,2 x 0,9 x 2 m < 30 cm Straw-spreading Straw - Hay 18 m 18 m length Time Product in bale Loose...

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CASTOR 20 R - 11

CASTOR®+ R Feeder - Straw bedder Self-loading rear door Your dealer accompanies you Your dealer, as a LUCAS partner, is staying at your disposal to help you by using your machine and for its maintenance. If necessary, the Lucas technicians intervene for your machine. Do not hesitate to contact them for : Your filters Your knives • Maintain your filters. Make one change per year • Maintain your knives for a good cutting ! For a good functioning of the machine, replace the knives as soon as necessary. Your bed-chain Give a new youthful to your machine ! Your LUCAS approved dealer is staying...

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CASTOR 20 R - 12

CASTOR®+ R Feeder - Straw bedder Self-loading rear door Specifications Castor®+180 Polyfeed® 12 Castor®+80 Castor®+60 Castor®+ 30 Castor®+ 20 Polyfeed® 180 Castor®+60 Twin 3 Tub volume (m ) 17,5 12 7,4 6 3,2 NC Loading capacity (m3) 16 10,5 6,7 5,5 2,75 NC closed door 4,9 3,83 3,65 3,08 1,45 1,08 Inside length (m) open door 6,9 5,63 4,72 4,43 2,8 2,85 Ø 1,8 x 1,2 m / Ø 1,8 x 1,2 m / Bales for loading Round / «bigs»» Ø1,8 / L 2,8 m Ø 1,8 / L 2,8 m Ø 1,8 / L 2,8 m Ø 1,8 / L 2,8 m L 2,8 x 1,2 x 1,2 m L 2,8 x 1,2 x 1,2 m Square 1,2 x 1,2 x 2,5 m 1,2 x 1,2 x 2,5 m 1,2 x 1,2 x 2,5 m 1,2 x 1,2 x...

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