General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L:


Catalog excerpts

General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 1

MAQUINARIA AGRÍCOLA SEGUÉS S.L. Avda. Sant uari s/ n 25215 SANT RAMON ( Lleida) - Spain Tel.: + 34 973 52 43 36

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General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 2

How do w e do it . We have di昀昀erent ways of o昀昀ering our equipment and knowledge, depending on the type of client and market needs. So, depending on the type of machine and the service o昀昀ered, we can work t oget her wit h im port ers, dist ribut ors, end users or even wit h ot her m anufact urers. A b o u t u s. Since we st art ed in 1978, SEGUÉS has always been a leading Spanish m anufact urer of agricult ural m achinery, which has been drawing a well-de昀椀ned line to be charact erized by high qualit y in it s m anufact uring and design in order t o provide m axim um perform ance t o...

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General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 3

M A QUI N A RI A A GRI COLA SEGUÉS, SL For soil surface work and weed cont rol, cult ivat ors, chisell.. To 昀椀ght against inclement weather Fast , light and heavy discs harrows For organic farm ing, H A TZEN BI CH LER Fixed com pact or rollers, foldables, sm oot h, t oot hed, Cam bridge, ring front s

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General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 4

M A QUI N A RI A A GRI COLA SEGUÉS, SL We represent several prest igiuous int ernat ional brands. In addition to mobile dryers from 1 m3 to 52 m3 and 昀椀xed ones from 25 m3 for wheat, corn, rice... Wit h a wide variet y of fuels, such as diesel, m et hane, propane, but ane, biom ass, biogas, biodiesel. Our m ot t o is t o m ake t he farm er ’s j ob easier wit h t he highest ret urns.

Open the catalog to page 4
General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 5

PRE- CLEA N ERS Separat e branches and leaves from t he dried fruit . Machine adapt ed for t he collect ion of various nut s, such as chest nut s, hazelnut s, alm onds, walnuts, etc. Its small dimensions allow it to be used by compact tractors of small and medium - sized com panies wit h very good perform ance. CLEA N ERS Separate the stones, the empty shell from the full one, leaves... Di昀昀erent models for di昀昀erent s product ions. PEELERS Peelers for nuts, from almonds to pistachios and walnuts. Di昀昀erent models with di昀昀erent charact erist ics t o adapt t o all product ions. CON VEYORS -...

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General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 6

M A QUI N A RI A A GRI COLA SEGUÉS, SL BREA K ERS, BREA K ERS- SORTI N G M A CH I N E Breaking t he nut and also separat ing it from t he shell is a laborious j ob. From t he m anual breaker t o t he m ost sophist icat ed one, we can break and classify hundreds of kg/ h. CA LI BRA TORS Calibratos with di昀昀erent calibers and outputs. D RYERS The drying room is especially adapt ed for drying various nut s, such as hazelnut s, chest nut s, walnut s, alm onds, pist achios, et c. Their main characteristic is the indirect heating 昀椀re, by exchanger, so that it will not modify t he charact erist...

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General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 7

M A QUI N A RI A A GRI COLA SEGUÉS, SL K ERN EL SORTER Calibrat or int ended for any farm er who has a nut breaking line wit h separat or or split and separat ed product and who want s t o obt ain a higher qualit y product t hat will have great er value in t he m arket . We also adapt the machine to di昀昀erent productions and di昀昀erent calibers. GRI N D ER Wide range of grinders for t he product ion of grains or nut 昀氀our from any product to be cut. REPELI N G LI N E We o昀昀er the possibility of handling nuts with the peeling line and thus be able to get more bene昀椀t from the nuts themselves....

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General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 8

M A QUI N A RI A A GRI COLA SEGUÉS, SL COOLI N G A N D PEELI N G SYSTEM PI STA CH I O PROCESSI N G LI N ES Peeling lines, drying lines, conveyor belt s, open - closed separat or, breaker, t oast er... Cust om lines for any product ion. Depending on t he product ion, we set up processing lines for dried fruit s GRA N ULE LI N ES Cleaning line, which consist s of a wat er cleaning syst em t hat leaves t he pist achios free of im purit ies. For a few years now we have specialized in m achinery from nut harvest ing t o packaging, including drying, breakers, sort ers, t oast ers and coat ing t...

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General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 9

Pneum at ic separat or of full and em pt y Classi昀椀er designed to separate open pistachios from closed ones with a needle syst em . Aut om at ic feeding syst em t o a t oast er Peeling line This is a sample of the di昀昀erent personalized lines that we can set up, always t aking int o account t he product ion of t he fruit and t he needs of t he client .

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General presentation Maquinaria Agricola Segues, S. L: - 10

PA CK A GI N G M A CH I N E The Basic m odel is a sem i- aut om at ic packaging m achine t hat works by preparing doses by weighing indirectly. It is perfect for working with small or medium-sized granulat ed product s, such as: Legum es, cereals, nut s, past illes, et c. PA LLETI ZER This model of palletizer is di昀昀erent because it is expressly designed for products that are very di昀케cult to stack. This requires unloading t he product vert ically over t he pre- loading area and m ount ing t he load inside a m old wit h front opening capacit y. and lat eral. The production of this will be...

Open the catalog to page 10

All MAQUINARIA AGRICOLA SEGUES catalogs and technical brochures

  1. RA-TM

    2 Pages

  2. RA

    2 Pages

  3. RAD

    2 Pages

  4. RAP

    2 Pages

  5. RAVID

    2 Pages

  6. SDI

    2 Pages

  7. V25 - V45

    2 Pages

  8. CH-100

    2 Pages

  9. CBF

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  11. CHH L/D

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  13. P-PL

    2 Pages

  14. EP

    2 Pages


    2 Pages

  16. V Spreader

    2 Pages

  17. Land Rollers

    2 Pages

  18. AGROMAK-5F

    2 Pages

  19. RA-TM-CAL

    2 Pages

  20. SPI-SDI

    2 Pages