Catalog excerpts

Martin ImpacTrack ImpacTrack Shock Sensing IMMEDIATELY Finds Sources of Damage to Fresh Produce Avocado processors using ImpacTrack have made changes to grading and packing equipment and eliminated significant damage losses The ImpacTrack shock sensor and logger monitors damage to fresh produce caused by handling and transport operations. It can help to reduce food production waste, monitor transport and logistics and improve quality control systems. Real-time data view The ImpacTrack logger is encased in a shell which mimics the dimensions, shape, weight and density of the real produce. It...
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ImpacTrack - used during HANDLING and TRANSPORT For monitoring processing, handling and transport operations, the ImpacTrack logger can be encased in a wide range of 3D-printed shapes designed to mimic the dimensions, shape weight and density of the real produce. The table below lists the data and specifications for each shape. If the dimensions of the shape you require are not listed, we can make a different size for you. The recommended weight range reflects typical weights of real produce with the dimensions listed. When choosing a shape, it is important to know the average weight of the...
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ImpacTrack Features and Specifications Measuring and recording impacts ImpacTrack measures impacts at the rate of 25 times per second (25Hz) and records, in the logger memory, the largest impact during the logging interval (which can be set between 1 second and 24 hours). Adjustable logging start delay Measurement of impacts can be delayed for between 1 second and 6 months until the start of a specific part of a handling or transport process. Adjustable data recording thresholds Minor impacts and normal temperatures can be ignored in the logger memory, giving more focus on large impacts and...
Open the catalog to page 4All Martin Lishman Ltd. catalogs and technical brochures
Crop Quality
8 Pages
Moisture Meters
4 Pages
4 Pages
Soil Testing
4 Pages
Compact Sprayers
8 Pages