Catalog excerpts

COMFORT AND WELFARE MONITORING SERVICE WELFARE A new regard to your animals OPTIMIZE YOUR ANIMALS BEHAVIOUR MEASURE THE WELFARE TO IMPROVE PERFORMANCES RECORDING VERY FINE DATA EVERY 5 MINUTES (rest, ingestion, rumination, measuring time of standing and laying down) SPOT HEALTH TROUBLE AND LACK OF COMFORT COW MUST HAVE 12-HOUR REST A DAY, WHAT ABOUT FOR YOURS? THE ONLY WELFARE MONITORING TOOL A sensor with collar is fixed on the neck of cow or heifer. This records their behavior every 5 minutes to create their time-use. Its analysis allows to detect the lack of comfort regarding the herdmanagement as well as animals suffering from pathological disorders (e.g. Lameness). Fiche Time’Live (210x297 mm)_GB.indd 1 > ne sensor for several services. O > nimals tracking 24/7. A > utomatic updating of the tool’s evolutions. A
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COMFORT AND WELFARE MONITORING SERVICE YOU CONSULT AND ANALYZE graphs and historics. You share your informations with your technicians. Time’Live® DETECTS health disorders and lacks of comfort: you receive an alert. Time’Live® MEASURES the time-use individually and group of animals also. A very simple daily use YOU TAKE THE RIGHT DECISION AND YOU IMPROVE RESULTS I adjusted my herd management to further cow rest time, thus to improve production. I feel closer to my cows without any constraint of observation. I have another view about my cows since I use Time’Live®. It materializes the...
Open the catalog to page 2All MEDRIA catalogs and technical brochures
Farmlife Feed'Live
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FarmLife Heat'Live
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Medria Farmlife
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