Catalog excerpts

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ECONOMY RANGE HERBI-4 CODE: 8M8.37.89 An ideal choice for band spraying, Herbi 4 can treat over 3 kilometres (about 0.4 hectares) in one hour. It is suitable for general clean up, border, pathway and strip spraying (e.g. in orchards and plantations) and spraying of larger areas by making consecutive passes. The sprayer is compatible with Micron 5 and 12 litre backpacks. Specifically designed for narrow band spraying, Herbiflex 4 is suitable for a broad range of applications including strip spraying (e.g. vineyards and fence lines), weed control in between rows of crops and general clean up...
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PROFESSIONAL RANGE MICROFIT POWERPACK WITH 2.5 LITRE BOTTLE CODE: 8M8.37.89.7 Aimed at the professional user, Microfit is a modular spray system which is suitable for addressing multiple weed control needs. The system consists of the Microfit handle and interchangeable Herbi, Herbiflex and Herbi Twin spray lances which are capable of treating different band widths and are aimed at different applications. In addition to an electric on/off motor switch at the base, the Microfit handle incorporates a separate liquid on/ off valve for ease of operation. All Microfit models are supplied with a 2.5 litre...
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NO-DRIFT MANUAL APPLICATORS MICROWIPE CODE: 8M8.37.82.1 Microwipe has been developed for the selective application of systematic herbicides for specific applications to address: • Sensitive or difficult to access areas • Weeds growing within row crops, orchards, vineyards and around trees. It only works on those plants that have come into contact with the nylon wick. When the Microwipe touches the surface of the weeds a small dose of herbicide is transferred to the target weed without harming the surrounding vegetation. The first effects become visible within 1 or 2 weeks after the application....
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SHIELDED MODELS HERBIDOME 350 CODE: 8M8.37.89.5 Incorporating a freely rotating shield, Herbidome 350 can be used for general weed control and herbicide applications in bands, particularly near sensitive growth where added protection against spray drift is required. Herbidome 350 is highly suitable for work in soft fruit, row crops, orchards, vineyards, amenity, forestry and sensitive areas such as waterways and marshland. With a swath of 350mm, it can give approximately 1.5 hours of spraying time with a 12 litre backpack. A 5 litre backpack is also available. PACKAGING: Unit Herbidome 600...
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Edward Bals, after experience of spraying in tropical agricultural plantations, became aware of the indiscriminate way in which pesticides were applied and the resulting waste and environmental damage generated by using hydraulic nozzle sprayers. Because of this, he decided to invent a more efficient way of applying pesticides. In 1954, he founded the Micron company in Bromyard, England. The result of his research was the pioneering technology, CDA (Controlled Drop Application), that distributes the spray liquid evenly with a specific droplet size for each application, reducing the amount...
Open the catalog to page 6All Micron Sprayers catalogs and technical brochures
Bush and tree crops
8 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
8 Pages