Catalog excerpts
Milking components specialist Product Guide ■ ■Designed & Manufactured in Italy Part of your business
Open the catalog to page 1Company Profile We aim at being recognized as one of the most specialized producers of milking components and solutions in the world! Established in: 1974 Presence: 70 countries across the 5 continents 30 patents in the last 5 years 10% of the annual turnover invested in R&D Employees: 85 Average age: 37 University graduates: 20% Operational Excellence Benefiting from one of the most advanced logistic systems in the industry. Working as a “team” with our suppliers is crucial in order to continue offering our customers the highest quality at competitive costs. Teamwork Know-how, skills,...
Open the catalog to page 2the grounding values of our company and we draw our inspiration from them. Each day! Business model Mission as a guide Deliver added value to our customers, OEMs and distributors, with components for milking systems 'fT that are innovative, high quality and competitive in price. “Part of Your Business” is the pay-off that reflects the company mission. Apt InterPuls has a flexible business model, accompanied by a range of products that remain state-of-the-art thanks to its excellent testing center that turns out attractive and functional designs, with the typical “Made in Italy” touch. We...
Open the catalog to page 3First in Pulsation! Erano gli anni 70 quando venne lanciato sul mercato il Pulsatore Universal. Oggi InterPuls vanta una gamma di Pulsazione che la rende Leader mondiale del settore. La tecnologia all’avanguardia, unita ad immutata Passione, ci permettono di fornire a O.E.M, distributori e impiantisti una Pulsazione con la “P” maiuscola! The advanced technology together with the same Passion, allow us to supply O.E.M., distributors and technical dealers with Pulsation with the capital “P”! InterPuls Passion pulses here! 1 It was the 70’s when the Pulsator “Universal” had been launched on...
Open the catalog to page 4[4 D. Quindi anche il vuoto e importante? R. Il livello di vuoto e basilare, perche e cio che permette il deflusso del latte, vincendo l'effetto del muscolo dello sfintere del capezzolo. E' pero molto importante che il livello non superi certi limiti; la ricerca indica che a dai 40-42kPa il capezzolo delle bovine e gia completamente aperto. Un livello di vuoto elevato provoca stress all'animale e congestione dell'estremita del capezzolo. Un livello di vuoto basso allunga il tempo di mungitura, fa scivolare le guaine con conseguente rischio di caduta del gruppo; rendendo inefficace anche la...
Open the catalog to page 5Top 30Operazione convenienza - Saving Opportunity Q.ty InterPuls and ra are registered trademarks own by InterPuls S.p.A. Copyright © 2008 - 2015 InterPuls S.p.A.
Open the catalog to page 6InterPuls and ra are registered trademarks own by InterPuls S.p.A. Copyright © 2008 - 2015 InterPuls S.p.A.
Open the catalog to page 7Servo-Direct Pulsators Patented I Pulsatori Servo-Direct LE30-LP30 rappresentano quanto di meglio esiste attualmente in fatto di precisione, robustezza ed affidabilità nel tempo. Servo-Direct LE30-LP30 Pulsators represent today’s benchmark for precision, robustness and reliability. Les Pulsateurs Servo-Direct LE30-LP30 sont les meilleurs outils actuellement disponibles sur le marché, au niveau de la précision, de la solidité et de la fiabilité à long terme. Пульсаторы LE30-LP-30 Сервоуправление представляют собой наилучшую разработку на данный момент в плане точности, прочности, надежности....
Open the catalog to page 8150 OFF ON ON 65/35 65/35 OFF OFF ON Ref. Note 180 OFF OFF ON 70/30 70/30 ON OFF ON 1060023 A frequenza - rate 1060031 Rate 1 2 3 1030151 55 off off off 60 off 1060011 Dati Tecnici Technical Data on on off 90 off off 1060005 Tipo: Alternato o Simultaneo Type: Alternate or Simultaneous 120 on on off 1060120 di alimentazione: 12*/24VDC Tensione Operating Voltage: 12*/24VDC 150 off on on Assorbimento: 260 mA (130 Power Consumption: 260 mA (130 mA per bobinaoff on 180 off 24V); 1060102(270 mA per bobina mA per bobina 24V); 540 mA 12V) 540 mA (270 mA per bobina 12V) 1060034 Collegamento al...
Open the catalog to page 9V Protezione totale contro l'umidita e i getti d'acqua. n/ Totally sealed to provide total protection against moisture and humidity. V Protection totale contre l'humidite et les projections d'eau. V" no/Haa 3am,MTa ot nonagaHua Bogbi u B/aru. LP30 Individual Electronic Pulsators IUP - Universal Power Supply InterPuls and ra are registered trademarks own by InterPuls S.p.A. Copyright © 2008 - 2015 InterPuls S.p.A.
Open the catalog to page 10Servo Pulsators Patented Dalla ricerca InterPuls nasce una generazione di Pulsatori elettronici a membrane indipendenti e relative centraline di comando. Electronic independent diaphragm-driven Pulsators and power units have been developed by InterPuls research. De la recherche InterPuls est nait une génération de Pulsateurs electroniques à membranes indépendantes et leurs générateurs de pulsations. Благодаря исследованиям в области доения было создано новое поколение электронных пульсаторов с независимыми мембранами относящихся к электронному блоку управления. Ottime fasi di mungitura e di...
Open the catalog to page 11Dati Tecnici Tipo: Alternato o Simultaneo Tensione di alimentazione: 12/24VDC livellata Assorbimento: 540mA (270mA per bobina 12V) 260mA (130mA per bobina 24V) Collegamento al vuoto: 1/2” Gas femmina Sistema di azionamento: Elettronico, “Servo” a membrane indipendenti Materiale del corpo: Resina termoplastica Dimensioni: 85x90x105 mm Peso: 0,40 Kg Technical Data Type: Alternate or Simultaneous Operating Voltage: 12/24VDC unregulated-filtered Power Consumption: 540mA (270mA for solenoid 12V) 260mA (130mA for solenoid 24V) Vacuum Connection: 1/2” Bsp female Operating System: Electronic,...
Open the catalog to page 12Protezione totale contro l'umidita e i getti d'acqua. Totally sealed to provide total protection against moisture and humidity. Protection totale contre l'humidite et les projections d'eau. no/iHas 3aw,MTa ot nonagaHus Bogb u B/aru. pag. 6-7 InterPuls and ra are registered trademarks own by InterPuls S.p.A. Copyright © 2008 - 2015 InterPuls S.p.A.
Open the catalog to page 13All Milkrite | InterPuls catalogs and technical brochures
Advanced Catalogue
176 Pages
Interface Product Range
32 Pages
Essential Product Guide
84 Pages
Archived catalogs
48 Pages
20 Pages
Portable Milking Machine
22 Pages
Product lines
64 Pages
Environment & US
9 Pages