Catalog excerpts

SPECIFICATION: Material Controlled range of quality softwood timber. CHARACTERISTICS Width 600 mm ⇢ A Lengthfull wooden display pallet for retail 1000 mm stores. Height 161 mm ⇢ High CIFICATION: quality. Height Loading capacity of quality soft161 mm CHARACTERISTICS wood timber. Rating 500 kg maximum uniformly distributed and 600 Not Painted racked.mm to properly in FHG IPP LOGIPAL brick brown; kg when exceed 1500property marking at upper loaded pallets. stacking deck and middle block. SPECIFICATION: Painted in FHG IPP LOGIPAL brick brown; property marking Markings at upper deck and middle be pallet for retail stores. Can block. Width Length Height A full wooden display used in FHG IPP LOGIPAL One-Way High quality. Trip pooling systems. Top 500 kg maximum Aperture height 600 mm Ratingdeck width x length Water based Aperture height 1000 mm paint that Paint uniformly distributed and properly racked. Not to 600 x 1000 mm exceed 1500 kg when stacking loaded pallets. A full wooden display pallet for retail stores. Weight Load capacity Colour High quality. USAGE Controlled range of Material based paint that Water Paint Can be used in IPP Logipal with thesoftwood timber. complies quality relevant One-Way Trip pooling systems. European legislation. CHARACTERISTICS Colour & Material 600 mm 1000 mm Controlled range 161 mm OWNERSHIP Rating 500 kg maximum Loading IPP pallets uniformly distributed and capacity always remain the property of IPP Logipal, part of Pooling Partners by properly racked. Not to Faber Halbertsma Group. kg when exceed 1500 stacking loaded pallets. Aperture height Controlled range of quality softwood timber. Loading capacity Colour & Markings Width Length Aperture Height height Aperture height Controlled range of quality softwood timber. complies with the relevant European legislation. Can be used in FHG IPP LOGIPAL One-Way Markings Paint Trip pooling systems. FHG IPP Logipal pallets always remain the CHARACTERISTICS property of FHG IPP Logipal. A full wooden display pallet for retail stores. Rating 500 kg Painted in IPP Logipal Property IPP Logipal Water based paint that complies with the relevant When new: dimensions subject to allowable manufacturing tolerances High quality. marking at upper European legislation. maximum uniformly brick brown. FHG IPP Logipal reserves the right to change any of the above information without prior notice distributed & properly deck and middle block. racked. Not to exceed ARACTERISTICS USAGE OWNERSHIP 1500 kg when loaded FHG IPP Logipal pallets always remain the wooden display pallet for retail stores. stacking Can be used in FHG IPP LOGIPAL One-Way pallets. Trip pooling systems. property of FHG IPP Logipal. uality. When new: dimensions subject to allowable manufacturing tolerances FHG IPP Logipal reserves the right to change any of the above information without prior notice When new: dimensions subject to allowable www.ipplogipal.com manufactur FHG IPP Logipal reserves the right to change any of the Dimensions subject to allowable manufacturing tolerances. IPP Logipal reserves the right to change any of the above information without prior notice. new: dimensions subject to allowable manufacturing tolerances P Logipal reserves the right to change any of the above information without prior notice Part of POOLING PARTNERS by Faber Halbertsma Grou
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