BalanGut® LS
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Catalog excerpts

BalanGut® LS - 1

Choose the BalanGut ® LS formulations that are right for you Trial results demonstrate BalanGut ® LS’s ability to support gut health and wellbeing Table 1. MIC assay comparison of blend of short and medium chain fatty acid glycerides versus simple salts of butyric acid Monoglyceride blend Monoglyceride blend Article number Livestock Pigs, Poultry Livestock Pigs, Poultry Sodium butyrate Tested product Product name BalanGut ® LS The right balance for a healthy gut and sustainable wellbeing Also available for aquaculture Source: G. Tosi, L. Alborali. WPSA-48th National Congress of the Scientific Association of Aviculture, April 2011. Aquaculture Fish, Shrimp Aquaculture Fish, Shrimp Body weight gain (day 0 -21) (17d PI) Grams/day The unique mixture of naturally occurring monoglycerides of short and medium chain fatty acids. Piglet trial in Spain (IRTA). Weaned piglets challenged with a pathogenic strain of E. coli (K88). Fecal shedding of E. coli (average 0-14 exp. days) Negative control group: Challenged with E. coli No feed additive in diet Positive control group: Challenged with E. coli feed supplemented with Colistin 80 ppm Europe, Africa, West Asia BASF SE Animal Nutrition, Europe Chemiestrasse 22 68623 Lampertheim Germany Phone: +49-621 60-28073 Fax: +49-621 60-28363 E-mail: North America BASF Corporation Animal Nutrition, North America 100 Park Avenue Florham Park, New Jersey 07932 USA Phone: +1-800-527-9889 Fax: +1-973-245-6766 E-mail: The science of sustainable feed that succeeds South America BASF S.A. Animal Nutrition, South America Avenida das Nações Unidas 14.171 – 10th floor 04794-000 São Paulo SP Brazil Phone: +55-11-2039-2292 Fax: +55-11-2039-2344 E-mail: Fecal scores (day 21) (17d PI) Average fecal score BalanGut® LS group: Challenged with E. coli supplemented with BalanGut® LS 3000ppm If you have any further questions or need additional support, please contact your BASF sales representative. This document, or any information provided herein does not constitute a legally binding obligation of BASF and has been prepared in good faith and is believed to be accurate as of the date of issuance. Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing in a supply contract or other written agreement between you and BASF: (a) the fullest extent not prohibited by the applicable laws, BASF EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS OR GUARANTEES OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR To ORAL, BY FACT OR LAW, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS OR CONDITIONS OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, SATISFACTORY QUALITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT, AND ANY REPRESENTATIONS, WARRANTIES, CONDITIONS OR GUARANTEES, ARISING FROM STATUTE, COURSE OF DEALING OR USAGE OF TRADE and BASF HEREBY EXPRESSLY EXCLUDES AND DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY RESULTING FROM OR IN CONNECTION WITH THIS DOCUMENT OR ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED HEREIN, including, without limitation, any liability for any direct, consequential, special, or punitive damages relating to or arising therefrom, except in cases of (i) death or personal injury to the extent caused by BASF’s sole negligence, (ii) BASF’s willful misconduct, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or (iii) any matter in respect of which it would be unlawful for BASF to exclude or restrict liability under the applicable laws; (b) Any information provided herein can be changed at BASF’s sole discretion anytime and neither this document nor the information provided herein may be relied upon to satisfy from any and all obligations you may have to undertake your own inspections and evaluations; (c) BASF rejects any obligation to, and will not, automatically update this document and any information provided herein, unless required by applicable law; and (d) This document or any information provided herein must not be used for purposes of pharmaceutical registrations. Asia/Pacific BASF South East Asia Pte. Ltd. Animal Nutrition, Asia/Pacific 7 Temasek Boulevard, #35-01 Singapore 038987 Singapore Phone: +65-6337-0330 Fax: +65-6432-3298 E-mail: Zinc oxide group: Challenged with E. coli feed supplemented with ZnO 2500ppm ab superscripts mean that values are statistically different (P<0.05; Tukey adjustment) Supports enteric microbial balance Improves gut integrity Supports animal wellbeing Warning: Some claims not valid in the United States Some of the claims and other information presented in the following materials are informational in nature and may not be used in any promotion, marketing, or information relating to products intended for sale in the United States, or communicated to U.S. consumers. Such prohibited claims are identified on the applicable slide. The prohibited claims and information are outside of the scope of authorized claims allowed by U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regulations, and may not meet legal, regulatory, and/or scientific standards for such claims under U.S. law.Use of these prohibited claims in the U.S. may result in administrative, civil, or criminal liability for the disseminator under laws and regulations enforced by U.S. government authorities. BASF and its affiliates specifically prohibit and disclaim the use or targeting of such claims to a U.S. audience and are not liable for any such claims made by the disseminator. ® Registered trademark of BASF in several countries

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BalanGut® LS - 2

A healthy gut is the key to a healthy animal BalanGut ® LS. The way it works BalanGut contains butyric, caprylic and capric acid monoglycerides, which have active impacts on the gut, resulting in: Cell proliferation and epithelium renewal Positive effects on tight junctions romotion of peptide secretion P balanced enteric microbial A population Interacting with bacteria Results show BalanGut® LS’s positive impacts on suckling piglets Far more than being just a digestive organ, the gut is key to every aspect of animal health, wellbeing and performance. BalanGut® LS is proven to play a vital...

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