Catalog excerpts

Biomex Starter TECHNICAL INFORMATION Biomex Starter FUNCTION Biomex Starter is applied as a soil amendment at planting. Treated plants are better able to compensate for stress from biotic (pathogens) and abiotic factors (e.g. salt, drought). The beneficial bacteria develop with the root system, stimulating growth and shielding it from attack by pathogens. PHYSICAL PROPERTIES The formulation of Biomex Starter is a water based liquid containing living spores with 2.5x1010 cfu/g (colony forming units per gram) and 20% preservatives. The formulation is stable for more than one year at 20°C, if not opened. It should be stored in a cool dark place. Benefits include: • Improved germination • Improved root development • Improved yield • Earlier harvest • Improved plant health BIOLOGICAL ACTIVITY The product works by colonising the roots of the growing plant with true beneficial effects. The first is shielding of the plant roots from pathogenic fungal attack, the second is the secretion to compounds which increase nutrient availability to the plant. The formulation is approved for organic farming, and is extremely stable in storage and in mixtures. Biomex Starter can also be mixed with fungicides or fertilisers for ease and accuracy of application. Combined applications with specific nutrient products such as Omex DP98 and Omex Vitomex have shown an enhanced effect on yield and crop health in trials. Biomex has been successfully used on potatoes, maize, carrots, soft fruit, ornamentals, tomatoes, turf and a wide range of other crops and plants. DESCRIPTION A concentrated suspension containing naturally occurring micro-organisms, for soil application in a range of agricultural and horticultural crops. Inhibition of soil borne pathogens Stimulates plant growth Enhanced plant induced systemic resistance (ISR) Can be applied with agrochemicals and starter fertilisers Increased root development Improvement of natural soil activities DIRECTIONS FOR USE The spray tank should be filled with half of the required amount of water. Measure the required amount of Biomex Starter and add to the tank whilst maintaining constant agitation. Add remaining water to correct dilution. Spray.
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TECHNICAL INFORMATION DILUTION: Apply in a minimum spray volume of 200 L/Ha. Always shake container before opening Pre-planting soil application Pre-planting soil application Module drench Module drench Module drench Nursery Stock Module drench Seed Treatment Apply with a fine spray to ensure even coverage APPLICATION Biomex Starter is an easy to use liquid formulation. The bottle should be shaken before use, and the spray solution or mixture should be applied within 8 hours. Application should be made either directly to the seed, or incorporated in the soil immediately surrounding the seed...
Open the catalog to page 2All OMEX catalogs and technical brochures
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