Catalog excerpts

Product Technical Sheet – Organic Range Gard S An organic liquid formulation of garlic extract containing sulphur, approved as a restricted input by both the Soil Association and Organic Farmers and Growers. Crops Most agricultural and horticultural crops including brassicas, carrots & swedes, lettuce and leafy salads. Use To correct nutrient deficiency and promote crop health. Pack Size 5 litres Gard S — Function An organic foliar nutrient which stimulates plants to create an environment around leaves and roots that is uninviting to a range of pests such as aphids, thrips, whitefly, spider mites, vine weevil and root flies, as well as providing a natural source of sulphur. Gard S is not a pesticide, it does not control the pest but it boosts the plants tolerance to pest attack. Sulphur Deficiency Sulphur has been traditionally supplied by atmospheric deposition, animal slurries and an impurity of mineral fertilisers. The implementation of the Clean Air Act, the move to arable farming and changes in fertiliser usage have resulted in lower applications of sulphur to many crops throughout the UK. Sulphur deficiencies have been observed on a number of crops, notably oilseed rape, 2nd and 3rd cut silage, and vegetable brassicas. The benefits of sulphur application have been found on the crops above and on cereals and sugar beet. The mobility of sulphur in the plant is poor, thus yellowing is seen on the newest growth rather than on older leaves. This distinguishes sulphur deficiency from nitrogen deficiency. Yield benefits of sulphur application have been seen when sulphur deficiencies have not been diagnosed
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water. If applicable, add the required amount of SW7 to the water before the Gard S. After shaking the container, measure the required amount of Gard S and add to the tank whilst maintaining constant agitation. Add remaining water to correct dilution and spray. Card S Directions for Use Use Gard S as a deterrent against a range of insect pests or to correct sulphur deficiency. Foliar uptake will be enhanced by the addition of SW71. Apply 1-2 l/ha, in a minimum of 200 l/ha water. The spray tank should be filled with half the required Notes You should only apply imported nutrition such as the...
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