Catalog excerpts

Liquid Fertilisers Ireland
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OMEX operates throughout the world manufacturing liquid fertilisers and foliar health promoters for the agricultural, horticultural and amenity sectors. Specialist knowledge of fluid dynamics has also allowed OMEX to expand into producing wastewater treatments and deicers. The OMEX solution fertiliser range, Nitroflo®, includes some of the most concentrated liquid nitrogen fertilisers available in the UK. They are delivered for farmer application and offer many advantages over conventional solid fertiliser in terms of accuracy, consistency and ease of use, environmental impact and increased...
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Benefits of Nitroflo® Liquid Fertiliser The OMEX Nitroflo liquid fertiliser range includes some of the most concentrated products available in the UK and Ireland. They are delivered for farmer application and offer many advantages over conventional solid fertiliser application in terms of accuracy, consistency and ease of use. By using OMEX Nitroflo Liquid Fertilisers, farmers save time, protect the environment and maximise crop yields. All OMEX liquid fertilisers are supplied in bulk, eliminating packaging and the need to recycle waste, and provide major handling and storage advantages...
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By using Nitroflo, it is possible to apply the full rate of nitrogen right up to the field margin: no compromise to yield, no environmental risk. The visual impact of using solid N on field margins, compared to liquid nitrogen accuracy: Three Sources of N Replicated plot trials by independent organisations have demonstrated the yield advantage of liquid nitrogen, compared to solid ammonium nitrate and urea. These yield benefits are a result of the blend of nitrogen sources in Nitroflo, which supply a balanced delivery of nitrogen to the crop, along with the superior application accuracy....
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Products - OMEX Nitroflo® Range Products OMEX Nitroflo® Range For many leading UK farmers, liquid nitrogen has become their main top-dressing source. OMEX Nitroflo® is one of the most concentrated liquid nitrogen formulations, and is now available in Ireland. Liquid fertilisers offer a valuable means of optimising crop nutrition and reducing fixed costs, which is why, every year, more farmers are switching to OMEX Nitroflo. Benefits: ✓ Accurate application up to field margins (€23/ha added value) ✓ Three sources of nitrogen - ammonium, nitrate and urea - so the best balance between...
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Products - Nitroflo® on Grass Nitroflo® on Grass Nitroflo can be used instead of solid N on all types of grass. These are the key advantages: • Post cut or grazing, grass will respond to Nitroflo more quickly than solid N • Daily gain in dry matter is larger when using Nitroflo • Even in drought conditions new growth following uptake of N can be seen within 36 hours • All the benefits of accurate application still apply in grass • Nitroflo S contains sulphur in a form that is immediately plant available Nitroflo S v Urea A New Zealand style grazing dairy unit in the UK applied OMEX Nitroflo...
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Trial Results and Yield Benefit Trials by a wide range of organisations over many years have shown consistent yield advantages in crops treated with Didin. By including Didin with any nitrogen applications, the nitrogen is used more efficiently by the crop helping improve yield and quality by reducing nitrogen losses and optimising nitrogen delivery to the crop. Didin for Cereals A single top-dressing with Didin allows the full season’s nitrogen requirement to be applied in one simple application, at any time from the end of January to the end of March. The nitrogen is gradually released as...
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Products - Sulphur Solution Compound Fertilisers Sulphur is a vital element for plants and is required in similar amounts to phosphate in most crops. OMEX solution compound fertilisers are true compounds; every drop contains the complete analysis. They cannot segregate and as a result every square centimetre of soil is guaranteed to receive the required ratio of nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Solution compounds are ideal for placement on potatoes and other crops, where the fertiliser can be very accurately placed in the soil. Sulphur deposition has decreased dramatically over the last 30 -...
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Starter Fertilisers Minimum cultivation establishment techniques for oilseed rape offer an ideal opportunity to place a starter fertiliser in the root zone of the establishing plant. To ensure that the crop gets off to a good start, it needs feeding. The best way to do this is to place a starter fertiliser precisely where it is required, effectively creating a nutrient rich seedbed for the crop. OMEX solution fertilisers offer the most effective means of accurately placing nutrients with 100% solubility in the right place for the emerging seedling. OMEX liquid starter fertilisers are also...
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Application Chart Nitroflo 26+S: 26%N + 2%S Application Chart Nitroflo 24+S: 24%N + 3%S METRIC Application Charts ■ Specific Gravity (SG): 1.28 Please note that the SG varies slightly with temperature Apply with appropriate nozzles Avoid application during very windy weather or when the leaf is damp Do not apply on a rime frost or following severe frost 1 Specific Gravity (SG): 1.27 Please note that the SG varies slightly with temperature Apply with appropriate nozzles Avoid application during very windy weather or when the leaf is damp Do not apply on a rime frost or following severe frost
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Application Chart Nitroflo 22+S: 22%N + 4%S Application Chart Nitroflo 20+S: 20%N + 5%S METRIC Application Charts Specific Gravity (SG): 1.26 Please note that the SG varies slightly with temperature Apply with appropriate nozzles Avoid application during very windy weather or when the leaf is damp Do not apply on a rime frost or following severe frost Specific Gravity (SG): 1.25 Please note that the SG varies slightly with temperature Apply with appropriate nozzles Avoid application during very windy weather or when the leaf is damp Do not apply on a rime frost or following severe frost
Open the catalog to page 11All OMEX catalogs and technical brochures
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