Catalog excerpts

TECHNICAL INFORMATION Omex Bio 15 FUNCTION To maximise the production of crops at risk of damage from stress conditions caused by high temperatures, soil conditions, moisture availability and disease. Omex Bio 15 is formulated to supply seedlings and more mature plants with essential nutrients. Omex Bio 15 also includes organic material derived from a single seaweed variety which has proven beneficial effects upon plants by stimulating root development. Applications of Omex Bio 15 will promote greater root biomass and therefore maximise utilisation of moisture and nutrients. DESCRIPTION Omex Bio 15 is a highly concentrated emulsion containing macro and chelated micro elements. The organic material is seaweed derived. Wt/Wt* Wt/Vol Seaweed Extract *For registration purposes Wt/Wt concentrations are recommended. The spray tank should be filled with half of the required amount of water. Measure the required amount of Omex Bio 15 and add to the tank whilst maintaining constant agitation. Add remaining water to correct dilution. Spray.
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TECHNICAL INFORMATION DILUTION: Recommended water rate is 500-1500 Litres per hectare Always shake container before opening RATE l/ha RATE ml/100l APPLICATION DETAILS Citrus 1.5-3.0 100-200 2-3 applications with 15 day intervals Fruits and Vines 1.5-3.0 100-200 Apply before flowering. Repeat every 15 days. Ornamentals 1.0-2.0 50-100 Use low rate on young or delicate plants Potatoes 2.0-3.0 400 1 - 2 applications early in crop cycle Sugar Beet 3.0 500 1 - 2 applications early in crop cycle Vegetables 2.0-2.5 200 2 - 4 applications once transplants established Rice Seed nursery 3.0 300 1-2...
Open the catalog to page 2All OMEX catalogs and technical brochures
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