Catalog excerpts

TECHNICAL INFORMATION Omex Seastar-F FUNCTION Immature plant seedlings and transplants are at risk of damage from stress conditions caused by high temperatures, soil conditions, moisture availability and disease. Omex Seastar-F is an organic growth stimulant, applications result in increased root growth and yield in a wide range of crops. DESCRIPTION Omex Seastar-F is a concentrated seaweed extract solution. Analysis of Omex Seastar-F Wt/Wt* Nitrogen Amino Acids (including; Glutamic, Cytokinins, Gibberelin) pH (10% solution) Specific Gravity *For registration purposes Wt/Wt concentrations are recommended. DIRECTIONS FOR USE The spray tank should be filled with half of the required amount of water. Measure the required amount of Omex Seastar-F and add to the tank whilst maintaining constant agitation. Add remaining water to correct dilution. Spray.
Open the catalog to page 1
TECHNICAL INFORMATION DILUTION: Recommended water rate is 500-1500 litres per hectare Always shake container before opening Pome & Stone Fruit Grapes & Vines Citrus Repeat 4 times during active growth season at 15 day intervals 2 litres applied 28 days after emergence 1 litre applied 10 days afterwards Sugar Beet Spray 1 lire at 4-8 leaf stage and repeat in 21 days Spray 1 litre twice commencing during early growth and 14-21 days later Spray 1 week after emergence repeating 21 days later Leaf vegetables 1-2 weeks after transplanting Apply 2 litres followed by 1 litre soon after emergence...
Open the catalog to page 2All OMEX catalogs and technical brochures
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Omex Bio 15
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OMEX Brochure
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Bio 20
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Omex Soluble Fertilisers
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Omex Feomex
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Omex CocoBoost
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Omex Aminor Plus
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Primer Bio Zn
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Omex Garland
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Biomex Plus
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Foliar & Speciality
47 Pages
Amenity & Fine Turf
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Liquid Fertilisers Ireland
23 Pages
26 Pages
CalMax Range
5 Pages
39 Pages
Quad 14
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
Gard S
2 Pages
Folex Cu
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2 Pages
2 Pages
Foliar Supreme
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Folex K
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2 Pages