

Catalog excerpts

HBM-N - 1

| Genel Ozellikler Model HBM serisi kombine hububat mibzerlerinde, tohum ve giibre sandigi iqerisinde birikme yapmayan “V” tipi sandik, ekim sonrasi gubrenin ve tohumun zahmetsizce temizlenmesini saglayan “bofaltma kollari" , istenilen derinlikte kolayca ekim yapabilmeyi olanak veren “ hidrolik batim ayari” , hem qekili hem hidrolikli olarak kullanilabilen “ok sistemi “ , ekici diskler deki “9ft ruiman” gibi birqogu ilk defa OZDOKEN tarafindan uygulanan ozellikler standart olarak sunulmaktadir. Model HBM ailesi tek borulu, <;ift borulu, dokiim borulu olmak uzere 3 farkli ekici unite sayesin de farkli toprak fartlarinda ekim yapabilir. | Teknik Ozellikler OZDOKEN Model HBM serisi kombine hububat mibzerleri ile bugday, arpa, yulaf, mercimek, nohut, fasulye gibi tohumlarin ekimi yapilabilir. Standart hububat mibzerinin yam sira, yumu§ak topraklar da aym derinlikte ekim yapabilen 12.4x24 ol^ulerin deki biiyiik teker Model HBM-B kanola , yonca ve korunga gibi ku<;uk tohumlari ekebilen Model HBM-K ile farkli toprak fartlari ve mufteri talepleri iqin 3 qefit kombine hububat mibzeri bulunmaktadir. Servis ve yedek pared hizmeti sureklidir. I The service and spare part servicing is constant. +90.332 251 6720 | General Features In Model HBM series combined grain drills, the features such as “V" type box which does not allow piling up in the seed and fertilizer boxes, “discharging handles" providing an easy cleaning of fertilizer and seeds following the sowing, “hydraulic prickle adjustment" ensuring an easy sowing at requested depth, “barb system” which can be used both towed and hydraulic, and "double bearing” in the cultivator disks which are mainly applied by OZDOKEN for the first time are offered as standard. Model HBM family can do seeding in various soil conditions by means of 3 different seeder units -single piped, double piped and cast iron piped. | Technical Features The seed such as Wheat, barley, oat, lentil, chick peas, beans can be sown by means of OZDOKEN Model HBM series combined grain drills. 3 different combined grain drills are available to meet the various soil conditions and customer demands. They are standard grain drill (Model HBM-N), grain drill (Model HBM-B) which tyre size is 12,4x24 having the sowing capacity of the same depth in soft soils, and grail drill (Model HBM-K) which can sow small seeds such as clover, trefoil. Ozdokan Tarim Makinalarl Sanayi va Tiiarat A. $. 1. Organize San. Bolgesi Guvencli Sokak N0:5 KONYA/TURKlYE Tel : +90.332 251 67 20 (3 Hat) Fax: +90.332 249 09 86

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HBM-N - 2

I Model Toplam Uzunluk (a) Toplam Genislik (c) Toplam Yukseklik (b) IsGenislijji Ajjirlik Tekerlek Olciileri Gerekli Guc Model Total Length (a) Total Width (c) Total Height (b) Working Width Weight Tyre Size Power Requirements IV Tipi Tohum ve Gubre Sandigi Sandik “V” §eklinin verdigi agsal egim sayesinde tohum ve gubrenin kursaklara kolayca aki$mi saglar. Ekim esnasin da depo i^erisin de tohum ve gubre azaldigi zaman sandik tabamn da birikme yapmaz ve sandiklarin tamamen bo^almasma imkan verir. | Bo$altma Kolu Depo sandiklan iizerinde ki bo^altma kollari...

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