2020 SmartTray™ 126


Catalog excerpts

2020 SmartTray™ 126 - 1

|  Sbis molut lam ra ium quid  | | Incubation | Pas Reform SmartTray™ 126 For duck eggs Open, spacious grid promotes the free movement of air for more uniform heat and humidity distribution Bovendorpsstraat 11 7038 CH Zeddam The Netherlands Phone +31 314 659 111 info@pasreform.com www.pasref

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2020 SmartTray™ 126 - 2

SmartTray™ 126 Benefits Designed to cradle hatching eggs of any size safely, SmartTray’s™ open construction is proven to deliver uniform airflow during incubation. This helps to create an optimal environment for the growing embryos, promoting ducklings of the highest quality. How it works – Supports hatching eggs at two positions: suitable for large and small eggs, with specially shaped support points to fit all egg sizes – Open, spacious grid: prevents the development of ‘dead spots’ in the incubator and allows free movement of air for the uniform distribution of heat and humidity –...

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