

Catalog excerpts

SmartGo™ - 1

|  Sbis molut lam ra ium quid  | | Process Control | Pas Reform SmartGo™ Performance Testing Tool To quickly run performance checks on SmartPro™ and SmartCount™ prior to a new cycle Bovendorpsstraat 11 7038 CH Zeddam The Netherlands Phone +31 314 659 111

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SmartGo™ - 2

SmartGo Benefits A comprehensive, reliable system that allows hatchery personnel to access incubator performance data, run performance checks on setters, hatchers and chick counters and quickly find and eliminate performance bottlenecks. All major systems can be checked, including heating, ventilation and humidification as well as individual sensors and cyclinders of the counter. SmartGo™ contributes to achieving operational reliability, greater productivity and increased uptime. How it works - Allows hatchery personnel to quickly evaluate incubator and counter performance and may be used...

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All Pas Reform Hatchery Technologies catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Farm trolley

    2 Pages

  2. Thermoscan

    2 Pages

  3. SmartTray™

    2 Pages

  4. SmartBasket

    2 Pages

Archived catalogs

  1. SmartCount™

    12 Pages