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Catalog excerpts

BioStreamer™ - 1

§ BioStreamer™ Embryo-Response incubation™ for maximum profit for life

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BioStreamer™ - 3

► BioStreamer™ for maximum profit for life ► Maximize your incubation results ► Minimize your operational costs Reduce labour costs Reduce maintenance costs Reduce energy costs ► Maximize your chick quality Embryo-Response Incubation™ OvoScan™ CONTROL™ Dynamic Weight Loss System™ Synchro-Hatch™ ► Eagle Eye™ ► Operational Excellence Technology™ ► Accessories ► Specifications ► Testimonials ► Discover more ► Petersime presence worldwide

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BioStreamer™ - 5

BioStreamer™ For maximum profit for life The BioStreamer™, world’s best single-stage incubator, maximizes your incubation results and your chick quality, while minimizing your operational costs. For the complete lifetime of your hatchery. Maximize your incubation results Achieve high chick output by creating the ideal incubation environment. With the BioStreamer™, chicks are more uniform and perform optimally after hatch. Minimize your operational costs Costs for labour are minimal, thanks to the ease of operation. The durable material and intelligent design of the BioStreamer™ reduce your...

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BioStreamer™ - 6

Maximize your incubation resultsAchieving more and better chicks starts with using the best equipment. The BioStreamer™ ensures high chick output, a bio-secure environment, maximum hatch rates and increased uniformity of day-old chicks. ► Embryo-Response Incubation™ technologies create a uniform environment for higher performance and higher uniformity (see p. 10) ► With an easy-to-use calibration tool you calibrate temperature and humidity ► An air-tight environment provides optimum bio-security and perfect control over the incubation environment ► A back-up temperature alarm protects your...

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BioStreamer™ - 7

► The intuitive interface makes operating the incubator self-evident ► The panoramic windows give you an instant overview of what is happening in the incubator ► Trolleys can easily be rolled in with minimum effort ► The tray turning system is self-positioning and fault-tolerant for rough or bumpy floor surfaces. This prevents the tray turning system from getting stuck ► Eagle Eye™ software allows remote control and analysis of the incubators and monitoring of the conditions in egg storage and chick handling from one single Command Centre PC, enabling you to further optimize your results...

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BioStreamer™ - 8

► Maximum use of maintenance-free components ► Maximum use of anodized aluminum and stainless steel for extreme durability and corrosion resistance for a long lifetime of the machine ► The design of the BioStreamer™ avoids dirt traps and allows easy and thorough high pressure cleaning, thereby minimizing bio-security risks and allowing easy cleaning ► Easily accessible for maintenance at all times. You do not need to access the top or the rear of the machine ► Equipped with maintenance software to help your maintenance manager

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► The sealed cabinet avoids energy losses ► Eco-Drive™ minimizes the pulsator motor's energy consumption during the less critical stages of the incubation process, resulting in energy savings of up to 50% ► Efficient transfer between the cooling elements and the circulated air results in a lower installed power requirement. It also enables the system to react fast to changing environments ► Thanks to the recently introduced Operational Excellence Technology™, a more efficient way of cooling decreases energy consumption with 5%. An optimized pulsator design further reduces the energy bill of...

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BioStreamer™ - 10

Different factors such as genetics, breeder management, flock age, storage time, egg age, egg size, shell porosity, etc. make each batch of hatching eggs truly unique. Despite this, traditional incubation systems still use intermediate incubation parameters for ventilation rates, air temperature and air humidity to manage the incubation process. Embryo-Response Incubation™ goes much further. By on-line diagnosis of the real embryo temperature, actual CO2 output, egg weight loss, etc. the system constantly and interactively adapts the incubation parameters to create the optimal environment...

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BioStreamer™ - 11

► Automatically creates the optimum temperature for any batch of eggs, whatever the size, flock age or genetic content of the eggs ► Continuously adapts the incubation temperature in response to the actual egg shell temperature ► Precisely controls the rate of the metabolic development of the embryo, allowing you to hatch chicks with extraordinary performances ► Mimics nature ► Consistent control over the incubation process ► Optimal, consistent results day after day ► Improved hatchability and post-hatch performance, such as optimum growth, better feed conversation ratio and lower...

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BioStreamer™ - 12

® Maximize your chick quality co2ntrol™ To develop a healthy chick, it is vital that oxygen is supplied to the egg and carbon dioxide removed. CO2NTROL automatically provides the optimal ventilation conditions to get the best quality chicks. ► Monitors and adapts CO2 levels in real-time ► Listens to the signals of embryos to provide the optimal ventilation conditions and air flow (see illustration) ► Based on the natural behaviour of a mother hen ► Better development of the cardiovascular system, muscles and skeleton ► Healthier and more uniform chicks ► Narrows the hatch window, so chicks...

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BioStreamer™ - 13

► For eggs to lose weight, water needs to be transported from the egg to the environment via the egg shell. By controlling the humidity level in the incubator, the rate of this water (and weight) loss can be managed ► Dynamic Weight Loss System™ weighs eggs constantly during all incubation stages and adjusts humidity levels to meet the demands of the embryos ► Ensures an optimum weight loss trajectory that follows a non-linear profile as found in nature for any batch of eggs ► Results in higher hatchability rates, lower post-hatch mortality and optimum feed conversion ratios ► Safeguards...

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BioStreamer™ - 14

Maximize your chick quality Synchro-Hatch™ To shorten the hatch window, Synchro-Hatch™ triggers simultaneous hatching and guarantees uniform day-old chicks. ff Automatically detects the exact timing of 100% internal pipping and then initiates a sequence of modifications to the incubation environment in order to stimulate simultaneous hatching ff Consistent results ff Uniform day-old chicks ff Mimics the hatching triggers of a mother hen ff Higher hatchability rates and post-hatch performances ff Reduces the hatch window by up to 30% ff Takes care of the welfare of chicks ff Shortens waiting...

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  1. Eagle Eye™

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