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Baling and collecting in one work. Makes windrows ACROSS the field. Use ably for both grass and straw. Cut 50% of the collecting time.

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Bale Accumulator • In order to gather bales on the field, the Bale Accumulator is hitched to a press. • The Bale Accumulator gathers all types of bales. • Use ably for both grass and straw. • The bale accumulator automatically shifts the bales. • The bale accumulator unloads automatically or manually as desired. • Weight is an option. Advantages: • It will halve the time for picking up bales, making it faster to gather the straw in case of rain. • Avoids transport across the field. • Are quick to get in transport position for road. Dealer stamp

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All POMI catalogs and technical brochures

  1. WRAP 12

    2 Pages

  2. WRAP 7

    2 Pages

  3. Miniwrap100

    2 Pages

  4. Collector

    1 Pages

  5. WRAP 5

    2 Pages

  6. Calves wagon

    1 Pages

  7. Miniwrap 60

    2 Pages

  8. Stack 200

    2 Pages