

Catalog excerpts

CH - 1


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CH - 2

Type CHISEL [to n Li's Canadians type CHISHI. sotit tie concep- M W Uon <}tfabrication QUIVOGrJE Port de 50 am d'experiencc, uos appareils destines it tm- l-aiiler dans les conditions les phis difftciles itms son! propose1* da 5 a. 2$ dents pour des largeurs da travail QUtVQGNli propose egalemeni uttc- gamme de Chisel auloporte jusquit 9,60m de travail pour ies prattdes The machines type chisel are a Quiwigne man ufacturing and are strong od an experien- ce of 50 ypari They are for trie most difficult conditions and are proposed with 5 to 23 tines for widths ranging from J ,60m ro 6,00m....

Open the catalog to page 2
CH - 3

DREIPUNKT GERAT THREEPOINT MOUNTED CHISEL Chisel bipoutre Chisel 2 rows frame Chisel 2 reihigen rabmen tS re Masthinen oder veistiirkre standard Kupplung fur klappbare Muschinen - Rah men hbhe 700 mm - Abound SWiscfaen den EljMtefitjgJi H00 nun ■ Abstand ^vise-ben Zinkon 230-280 oder 320 mm ■ Sthnelikupplung - Zinken lytl? suit" Peeler oder doppeke Zinken. Es wird einen doppebvirkenden Vettdfer fur die kluppbaren GeritEe benoiigt. ReJeuchEiirig ftir klappbare Ma^hinen. AulivunscK: Rader 6JJ5!M(f - Rader 60Ux9 ayf _ fiidaehse niit Kegel roll enJager- Twist Sebaren - ftsrHasa mil Rohr 100 ■...

Open the catalog to page 3
CH - 4

CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES Denis uionrecs sur ressorts. Ecartemeni cntre dems: 250 nun CHISEL PORTE Chisel repliable par lerius bats tripouire (chassis tube 100x100) fiyx Utr^urde transport Largeur de travuit Folds Type Transport width fbrking width Vifeighr Dents montties sur ressorts. Ecarttment en ire dents: 280 mm sypv lUTgeiirdi'tmHsporl Largeitrdelmvil Type Transport width Working width Chisel rigide A dents luoutees sur ressorts Chisel repliable par virins bad tripoutre (chassis tube 100x100) CHjR 15 dents tripoutre Denis moatccs stir ressorts, Ecartemeiit utilri- duriLs: 320 mm...

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All Quivogne catalogs and technical brochures

  1. CDP - CDPM

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    4 Pages


    6 Pages

  4. COMPACT +

    6 Pages


    8 Pages

  6. bineuse

    2 Pages

  7. Herse

    8 Pages

  8. Mercure

    4 Pages

  9. Cultiflex

    6 Pages

  10. Herses

    8 Pages

  11. APAXR

    6 Pages