Products Catalogue
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Catálogo de Productos Products Catalogue “Protección para el Crecimiento” “Protection for growth”

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Products Catalogue - 2

RÁBITA AGROTEXTIL We are manufacturers of agrotextiles and other technical fabrics. During 40 years we have achieved a proven track of records of success, by manufacturing a wide range of different fabrics with many different applications. Considering the growing demand of this type of product globally, we have expanded our network of production plants including two factories in Mexico and a new one located in Chile, in order to cover the needs of the American market. This fact makes us become more flexible, versatile and efficient from the global point of view. Somos fabricantes de...

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Products Catalogue - 3

“SOMOS FABRICANTES” “WE ARE MANUFACTURERS” Why choosing RÁBITA AGROTEXTIL? 40 years’ experience manufacturing agrotextiles by using high quality raw material, additives and UV stabilizers, from Europe Over 200 looms with high production capacity in order to cover the demand throughout the year. Wide range of different fabrics which allows us to have a flexible manufacturing. ISO 9001:2015 Quality System so that we can offer a reliable and durable product. Por qué elegir RÁBITA AGROTEXTIL: 40 años de experiencia en la fabricación con el empleo de materías primas, aditivos y estabilizantes UV...

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Products Catalogue - 4

It is a highly functional monofilament mesh. It is mainly used to isolate crops against the entry of largest insects. Likewise it can works as a shading net or a windbreak barrier. It has several densities depending on the pore dimension required. Es una malla monofilamento muy funcional. Principalmente sirve para aislar cultivos de la entrada de los insectos de mayor tamaño. Así mismo tiene funciones de sombreo y cortavientos . Presenta diversas densidades en función del tamaño de poro deseado (6x6; 9x6; 6x11; 8x10 and 10x10) “CONSULTAR ANCHOS Y COLORES” “ASK FOR WIDTHS AND COLORS”...

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Products Catalogue - 5

RabitaInsectproof RabitaHail If we are thinking about isolating nethouses or greenhouses against the entry of very small insects (virus vectors), this could be the best choice. This fabric has a great uniformity (pore dimension) and several densities depending on the isolation required. We are referring to meshes such as 16x10; 20x10 o Sarga, with a high isolation level. Si buscamos aislar casasombras o invernaderos frente a insectos muy pequeños, que son vectores de virus, esta puede ser la mejor elección. Este tejido presenta gran uniformidad de poro y diversas densidades, dependiendo del...

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Products Catalogue - 6

This netting offers protection against hail and birds, and it decreases the excessive sun radiation so that it provides a positive microclimate reducing evapotranspiration, and at last it enables a saving of water Esta malla ofrece protección contra el granizo y los pájaros y reduce el exceso de radiación solar, de tal forma que confiere un microclima beneficioso para el cultivo reduciendo la evapotranspiración, que se traduce en un ahorro de agua para el cultivo. “CONSULTAR ANCHOS Y COLORES” “ASK FOR WIDTHS AND COLORS” “CONFECCIÓN A MEDIDA” “TAILORED MADE SIZES

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RabitaShade RabitaHail It is a fabric made up with HDPE monofilaments and woven raffia. It is much more resistant in comparison to raschel fabrics enlarging its lifespan. Depending on the density and colors, it will provide more or less shading. Es una malla fabricada a base de monofilamento y cintas de rafia de HDPE. Presenta mucha mayor resistencia en comparación con tejidos tipo raschel aumentando su vida útil. Dependiendo de su densidad y combinación de colores aportará un menor o mayor índice de sombreo. “CONSULTAR ANCHOS Y COLORES” “ASK FOR WIDTHS AND COLORS” “CONFECCIÓN A MEDIDA”...

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Products Catalogue - 8

It is a kind fabric woven with HDPE monofilament. It has a special construction in comparison to other monofilament meshes. It is possible getting it with different colors or designs, so that we can get a high quality and heavy-duty material in comparison to the rest of agrotextiles. Es una tipo de malla tejida a base de hilos de HDPE con una construcción especial en comparación con las otras mallas monofilamento. Es posible la configuración con distintos colores y diseños, de tal manera que obtenemos un material de alta calidad y resistencia en comparación con el resto de agrotextiles....

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Products Catalogue - 9

RabitaInsectproofMixta RabitaHail This is one of our most special fabrics. It is a combination between crystal monofilament and crystal raffia tapes (HDPE). It constitutes an excellent covering for greenhouses or poly tunnels located in temperate climates. It provides an excellent an appropiate atmosphere for crops protection as well as an effective physical barrier (wind, insects, birds, etc.). In other words it provides earliness in fruits. Es uno de nuestros productos más especiales que consiste en una combinación de monofilamento y rafia color cristal (HDPE). Como cobertura de...

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Products Catalogue - 10

It is a fabric very resistant and highly stable against UV radiation, used in the livestock field to preserve silage film against animals or hail. This make preserve in better conditions the animal feed. It can be used for other alternative applications considering its great mechanical resistance. Es un agrotextil altamente resistente y muy estable frente al sol, empleado en ganadería para preservar el film de ensilado ante roturas provocadas por animales o granizo. De este modo se preserva el material en óptimas condiciones. Puede tener otras distintas aplicaciones dada su gran...

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Products Catalogue - 11

RabitaHelix RabitaHail It is an agrotextil specially designed for snails breeding. It is used in Heliciculture farms to avoid the escape of the snails being the healthiest way to achieve it. It has two lines of flounces and textile tubular on the top to ease its installation. It is made up with High Quality HDPE and UV stabilizers to widen its lifespan. Es un agrotextil empleado para la cría de caracol. En granjas de helicicultura se emplea como red antifuga de caracol siendo la forma más saludable. Consta de 2 volantes y un tubular superior para facilitar su instalación. Está compuesto por...

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