

Catalog excerpts

FR48 - 2

ENGINE Powe r Torque Fue l tank DE F tank TRACTIVE FORCE G e ar 1 G e ar 2 TYRES Front axle Re ar axle (balanced bogies) (balanced bogies) STEERING Turning angle HYDRAULICS Pump capacity Flow O pe rating pre ssure Hydraulic tank ELECTRIC SYSTEM Voltage Batte rie s A lte rnator Lights BOOM Maximum re ach G ross lifting torque Sle wing torgue Sle wing angle GRAPPLE MEASUREMENTS Le ngth ( A ) Bogie ce ntre - middle joint ( B) Middle joint - bogie ce ntre ( C) W he e lbase ( B + C) W idth - 710 se rie s tyre s ( D) Transport he ight ( E ) Ground cle arance ( F) Minimum machine we ight LOAD...

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