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Catalog excerpts

d-Rain_Joint - 1

Satisfy permeable requirements with pour-in-place concrete For parking lots, driveways, & other hardscape environments Low cost, no maintenance, and durable AWARD-WINNING INTEGRATED WATER TECHNOLOGY ADVANCED RAINWATER TREATMENT PROCESS RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • PUBLIC WORKS BETTER WATER. BETTER WORLD. ®

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d-Rain_Joint - 2

Install d-Rain Joint® systems directly in local Permeable Drainage Alternative As a Sustainable Drainage System, the d-Rain Joint® is a simple, low-cost, and robust onsite storm water management alternative compared to other permeable, pervious surface options and can be used wherever a permeable, pervious driveway, parking lot, street or walkway is needed. The use of traditional pavement with the d-Rain Joint® provides both permeability AND filtration at a lower installed cost! d-Rain Joint® PPIC (Gray Plastic) Filtration Device Easy to install like a standard expansion joint and virtually...

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d-Rain_Joint - 3

Install in any residential or commercial applications: Developed to satisfy permeable, pervious driveway requirements, the d-Rain Joint® devices provide stormwater infiltration through an impervious surface. The d-Rain Joint® channel-inserted filter captures sediment to ensure continued effectiveness draining rainwater and stormwater runoff. Installed in place of a construction joint between the concrete slab(s) and can be used for low traffic roadways and driveways, parking lots and pedestrian walkways, this ADA-compliant (less than 1″ [2.5 cm] wide with a � ⁄� � ″ [1.1 cm] opening)...

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d-Rain_Joint - 4

2017 NORTH AMERICAN INTEGRATED WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP AWARD treatment of water, greywater, wastewater, stormwater, and more! BioMicrobics has developed a number of innovative products dealing with the treatment of water where centralized infrastructure and drainage are not desired. Our systems are designed and engineered with sustainability and user practicality in mind. A simple, filtered drain alternative for storm water runoff on hard, impervious surfaces. Established in 1996 to focus on water ecology and technology innovation through three companies, BioMicrobics,...

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All Scienco/FAST catalogs and technical brochures

  1. MyFAST®

    4 Pages

  2. RollsAIR®

    4 Pages

  3. LIXOR®

    2 Pages

  4. Scienco®

    6 Pages

  5. Recover

    6 Pages