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Catalog excerpts
![MarineFAST® BMS - 1](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/174054/marinefast-bms-13031_1m.jpg)
FAST CONVERSION SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS ® BioSolids Management System (BMS) | ECONOMIC | RELIABLE | EFFICIENT Complete Bulk Storage Salt Solution A simple and reliable method of dealing with accumulated sewage sludge on vessels and offshore platforms. FAST® is the easy way to deal with sludge. A standard MarineFAST® unit meeting MEPC.159(55) or providing secondary treatment incorporates about one month of internal sludge storage. If you employ the next larger FAST unit, internal sludge storage will be increased to 3 months. For longer periods, the MarineFAST BMS provides an aerobic sludge digester with long term internal storage. Operation is completely automatic and hands-free. The sludge is completely enclosed in tanks and piping - no need for personnel to come into contact with sewage or sewage sludge! The MarineFAST BMS Reference Data provides instructions and examples for selecting a system plus dimensions, weights and other data. Internationally recognized for quality products and top-notch field services, Scienco/FAST is a manufacturer of innovative, proven solutions for marine sewage devices, water treatment systems, biological tablets, and other industrial technologies. To order or for more information on FAST® Sytems & products: Toll-free (866) 652-4539 or call (314) 756-9300 w: www.sciencofast.com | e: solutions@sciencofast.com © 2016 Bio-Microbics, Inc. All Rights Reserved. FAST is a registered trademark used under
Open the catalog to page 1![MarineFAST® BMS - 2](https://img.agriexpo.online/pdf/repository_ag/174054/marinefast-bms-13031_2m.jpg)
PROCESS BASICS: When settled, FAST sludge exhibits a concentration in water of about 4%. t 4%. % SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS This compares with 1% to 3% that can be achieved by other systems. s. eFA FAST media edi dia At the same time, the more complex biota within the MarineFAST media er forms forms tank includes higher ordered organisms that predate upon simpler life forms, effectively removing up to one-third of the mass and volume of the stored sludge. Conservatively speaking, properly settled sludge from the FAST process will produce about 3% / 4% X 66% = 50% of the volume of sludge to be...
Open the catalog to page 2All Scienco/FAST catalogs and technical brochures
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
SeptiTech® STAAR®
2 Pages
2 Pages
d-Rain Joint®
4 Pages
6 Pages
Scienco/FAST Corporate
2 Pages
6 Pages
6 Pages
Water Treatment Solutions
6 Pages