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Catalog excerpts

RollsAIR® - 1

Overhead View Simple, pre-engineered, versatile, “Plug-Flow” design Manage the aeration, mixing, settling of activated sludge to remove biosolids Low cost, non-clogging, extended aeration system AWARD-WINNING INTEGRATED WATER BETTER WATER. BETTER WORLD. ®

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RollsAIR® - 2

• Exceptional microbial growth • Increases sludge settleability and eliminates sludge bulking. The RollsAIR® Extended Aeration System is pre- • Takes all aspects of the treatment into consideration. engineered with non-corrosive, simple-to-install, easy-tomaintain, proprietary devices. As an “Activated Sludge” treatment system utilizing an aerobic, suspended growth treatment process, it is designed to be the most simple, low cost, robust system of its type. The complete RollsAIR® System combines the proven robust performance of the LIXOR® supplemental aeration devices with the BioMicrobics...

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RollsAIR® - 3

Wastewater enters the treatment system. Natural separation and setting processes occur in the primary setting zone. In the primary setting zone for most large residential and commercial applications, a SaniTEE® device is used to prevent large solids from entering the treatment zone. A remote, above-ground blower introduces air (oxygen) into the treatment module to facilitate a robust circulation of wastewater rolling side to side with plug flow path. Bacteria in the aeration zone become abundant, diverse, self-regulating population of microbes consistently metabolize the incoming waste....

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RollsAIR® - 4

2017 NORTH AMERICAN INTEGRATED WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY LEADERSHIP AWARD RollsAIR® & RollsAIR® HS-STP®: Offering versatility and consistent high performance for multi-family residential and large commercial properties. RollsAIR® and RollsAIR® HS-STP® offer a cost effective method to treat larger flows for a multitude of applications: treatment of water, greywater, wastewater, stormwater, and more! BioMicrobics has developed a number of innovative products dealing with the treatment of water where centralized infrastructure and drainage are not desired. Our systems are designed and...

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All Scienco/FAST catalogs and technical brochures

  1. d-Rain_Joint

    4 Pages

  2. MyFAST®

    4 Pages

  3. LIXOR®

    2 Pages

  4. Scienco®

    6 Pages

  5. Recover

    6 Pages