SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5
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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 1

Versatility and Quality without compromises

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 2

Index Introduction Samurai 5 Self self-propelled version Samurai 5 trailed version Samurai 5 Vulcan System Samurai 5 stationary version An extraordinary range of Chopping-Mixing-W agons, unique for quantity , diversification and reliability , which are the ideal machines helping thousands of breeders worldwide to make their daily work easier growth of their farms. SAMURAI 5 Series represents the most recent evolution in the horizontal Chopping-Mixing-W agon field and, once again, SEKO is in the forefront, thanks to this new line of machines, which are provided with the most advanced...

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 3

Innovation and quality of product have always characterized the Italian Company SEKO, which has become one of the main world producers of machines for total mixed ration feeding A leading position achieved thanks to an over thirty-year experience, always improved through a constant development, to really meet the changeable market needs, by proposing highly technological products, in order to assure to the customer development, productivity and security. 90% of our production is exported to 67 Countries, as that’ s the best demostration of high quality and performance it’ Ever faithful to...

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 4

Dear Customer Now more than ever , for every entrepreneur it’ s necessary to invest in improving his production activities, if he wants to ensure the future of his company. Drastic cost reduction and improvement of productivity and quality on their own farm are the keys to success, even in this sector become more competitive in a market getting wider and wider . The Chopping-Mixing-W agons SAMURAI 5 Series, engineered and carried out just with this purpose, grant the top level in cattle Unifeed preparation, fully bringing out all the advantages of this technique. A look at the following...

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 5

An exclusive range for all needs The wide range of Chopping-MixingWagons SAMURAI 5 Series proposes the most complete and versatile solutions for Unifeed preparation in farms with dairy cows, fattening cattle and sheep-and-goat livestock. Thanks to the experience achieved in several years alongside farmers all over the world, we have developed this new line of machines endowed with the most advanced technology concentrating in them simplicity An extraordinary product with a range from 5 to 30 m self-propelled, trailed and stationary version, which really meets the new demand of a feeding...

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 7

The Unifeed technique has increased its importance during the years, until it reached a condition of unreplaceable feeding standard, for the economic success of any farm, thanks to the advantages it provides from the food, production, health, organisation and structured point of view. In this context, back in 1985 SEKO breaks through as a protagonist, developing an exclusive and revolutionar y range of machines, never existing until that moment, suitable for the new requirements of the most modern science of total mixed ration, which required the contribution of considerable quantities of...

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 9

Samurai 5 Self • 600-500 series The professional choice of an inimitable series Rationality and forefront technique merge harmo niously in this new generation of Self-Propelled Chopping-Mixing-Wagons, granting a product of high quality and performances, at the service of the most demanding farmers. Engineered to work on large farms for many hours per day, the SAMURAI 5 SELF Series has a modern design, where the position of all the main components has been carefully studied to assure the highest productivity, lower operating costs and excellent comfort level for the worker .

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 10

The certain investment for the future of your farm

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 11

• Front longitudinal engine for better compactness and easier entry even in farms with narrow passages. • Front silage tiller, which gives the operator the best visibility and control in loading operations. • High containment capacity thanks to the 2 lower augers • Tillaging rapidity thanks to the strong tiller, able to load 2 ton/m of maize silage. • Chopping precision and rapidity thanks to the perfect chopping system, particularly aggressive in working fibrous baled products. • Accurate and homogeneous mixing provided by the exclusive system “Double Mix” • “Automotive” type movement, for...

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 12

The powerful silage tiller The powerful silage tiller, which represents one of these machines main elements, has a working width of m. 1,8 and achieves high productivity in the tillaging both the maize and grass silages (2 ton/m). The product discharge system is hinged on the conveyor conducting shaft, avoiding thus any product dispersion, assuring also a better re-circulation of the product within the mixing box. The tillaging roll, equipped with spiral blades and special-shape knives, is fed by two hydraulic motors which develop a high torque power to till rapidly and precisely whatever...

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 13

The chopping and mixing are developed through two augers of special configuration, which give rise to the movement of the ingredients to be mixed to the centre of the box, where the flows converge and then are pushed upward; then, the product falls down by gravity to the front and read ends of the box maintaining the mixing cycle. The augers, provided with patented star -shaped knives, with special cutting edge, operate together with a kit of counter-blades fixed in the central bottom of the box, assuring a high chopping of entire round bales of forages and straw humid products and any...

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SEKO Chopping Mixing Wagons SAMURAI 5 - 14

• In order to meet the increasing need of cooperatives and retailers to feed several farms in the same day, with frequent movements, the ChoppingMixing-Wagons SAMUAI 5 SELF are available, upon request, in version homologated for circulating on the road. • The 40 Km/hour speed, available upon request, allows you to travel quickly between sites, and certain to restart the day after in the highest reliability and safety. Speed, safety and comfort make your work easier than ever All the models of SAMURAI 5 SELF Series are equipped with powerful and reliable ecological engines Perkins “Stage 2”,...

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