Pro con Portón


Catalog excerpts

Pro con Portón - 1

System antiwire in rotor Rear hood with sieve PRO FIXED CON PORTON Polyvalent mulcher for the elimination of remains of pruning, in citrus fruits, fruit trees, olive trees and clear of matter in foot. Rear hydraulic gate with sieve, replaceable breakers and roller of control for the soil. It allows to be employed at both directions, attacking big volumes, at the same hooking position. It protects the tractor of pricks and breakdowns not having to tread on the material to mulch. A A B B C C CHARACTERISTICS OPTIONS Steel-plate chassis, thickness 10 mm. Rotor POLSER of 550 mm of diameter. Gearbox SERRAT. 3/4 XPC side belt transmission. Stamped hammers. Hammers guaranteed against breakage. GIROSTOP System. Supports of bearing rotor in steel. Oscillating bearings of double row of rollers. Front protection curtain. Obturations antiwire in rotor. Double bearing on rear roller. Height-adjustable rear roller. PTO 540 rpm. 11 lines of counter hammers. Rear hydraulic hood with sieve. Front skid shoes. Model built under EC Normative. Safety indicators visible to personnel. Front skid shoes • Closed rear hydraulic hood with sieve Height adjustable rear roller

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