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Catalog excerpts

SR25-SR40-SRL60 - 1

S0BY SR25-SR40-SRL60 Chain conveyors S0BY chain conveyors are an economical and reliable solution for horizontal and inclined conveying of large quantities of grain, as well as the transport of seeds and ground bulk products.

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SR25-SR40-SRL60 - 2

Chain conveyors SR25-SR40-SRL60 SØBY chain conveyors are an internationally renowned quality product that can be incorporated wherever grain and ground bulk products need to be conveyed. Conveying systems with SØBY chain conveyors can always be extended or adapted as and when needs change. Scope of application SØBY chain conveyors are used for conveying grain and free-flowing seeds horizontally and at shallow angles (7°) where gentle conveying is required. The chain conveyors are also suitable for conveying flour products. SØBY SR25-SR40-SRL60 chain conveyors are also available for inclined...

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All SOBY catalogs and technical brochures

  1. SG60-SG175

    2 Pages

  2. R14-R60

    2 Pages

  3. SE25-SE40

    2 Pages

  4. SG60-SG100

    2 Pages