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AquaZone - 1

aquazone Brosjyre How to make fantastic drinking water AquaZone without the use of chemicals

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AquaZone - 2

aquazone Brosjyre

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AquaZone - 3

aquazone Brosjyre THE WATER SOURCES CONTAIN HUMUS... Drainage of the forest floor and runoff from areas with increased soil cultivation have resulted in increased color and higher organic content in the sources the raw water. The most common challenge is to reduce humus, which resembles a tea-like color and gives a muddy taste to the water. Humus are nutritious residues of plants and animals that nature uses a long time to break down. In addition, algae and bacteria will occur, often in connection with landfills and discharges from agriculture and settlements. In order to achieve...

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AquaZone - 4

aquazone Brosjyre

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AquaZone - 5

aquazone Brosjyre A THOROUGH, SECURE AND CHEMICAL-FREE METHOD The AquaZone process consists of a thorough water purification including two disinfection steps. First, the water is disinfected with ozone, which also crushes the organic content. In the next step, the water is purified in a biological filter, which also consumes compounds that can cause bad taste. Finally, before the water is dispensed on the mains, it is disinfected with UV light. The result is a clean, tasty water that is safe to drink. The process is chemical-free and provides low greenhouse gas emissions. CLEAN DISINFECT

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AquaZone - 6


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AquaZone - 7

* Ozone is the natural disinfectant of nature. It forms during thunderstorms and gives characteristic purity in the air due to the clearing effect of the ozone. The ozone layer in the atmosphere is a natural phenomenon built up through millions of years. Ozone molecules protect life on earth against some wavelengths of sunlight. Ozone is used in disinfection and cleaning since it does not leave chemical residues. ** Ozone will also react with larger particles, such as fish, crustaceans and insect larvae, etc. Therefore, if much larger particles occur, it will be worthwhile to filter the...

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AquaZone - 8

aquazone Brosjyre AQUAZONE The process is specially designed to create outstanding drinking water based on raw water with moderate organic content. The process is used for waterworks and for the production of process water for food businesses. Fauske in Nordland was the first municipality in Norway with AquaZone. Later two other facilities were built in the same municipality, here by two satisfied residents, Jan Kristiansen and Frøydis Einset. AquaZone sterner - new solutions in water treatment Sterner Aqua UK Ltd. 1 Longman Drive IV1 1SU, Inverness Scotland Tel: +44 1463 250275...

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