Complete systems Aquaculture
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Catalog excerpts

Complete systems Aquaculture - 1

Delivering a sustainable RAS future for fish farming 25 years in aquaculture and water treatment

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Complete systems Aquaculture - 2

Complete systems We offer solutions that will increase your production. Aquaculture Our extensive experience with water purification, as well as the ability to develop new aquaculture systems for land based farms, has given us the opportunity to optimize the treatment processes. Sterner not only supplies products, we provide proven solutions that we know work well and that will increase your production and your profit. RAS plant Our complete water recirculation system for purification and reuse of water in fish farms. The design is based on our knowledge about water treatment, gas exchange,...

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Complete systems Aquaculture - 3

We take pride in providing our clients with the best solutions for aquaculture . Aquaculture We believe in choosing suppliers with both the best products and the best knowledge about their products. Our subsuppliers consists of a mix of both world-leading and smaller highly skilled manufacturers. We also have several selfdeveloped products, which we manufacture based on our own leading expertise. Oxygenation – degassing – water re-use Sterner Oxytech oxygen cones are the most effective oxygenation devices in the market. Available in 5 standard sizes and made in PE for use in both freshwater...

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Complete systems Aquaculture - 4

The sludge is used for energy production or dried/stabilized for long term storage Sterner covers all aspects from concept to delivery Sludge treatment Turnkey solutions New regulations and environmental responsibility demand the removal of organic and inorganic materials occuring in waste water from fish farms. Sludge in the aquaculture industry contains faeces and excess feed. Traditional filter technology handling the waste water streams demand considerable volumes of water which causes the dry solid content to be low (500 – 3 000 mg SS/l). Brief introduction to the Sterner MAT process:...

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Complete systems Aquaculture - 5

Sterner is constantly developing and it is crucial to always be in front. North Leknes Sterner is a leading Norwegian company within water treatment. From our own manufacturing and from our business partners, we deliver process components and complete systems for purification, gas exchange, filtration and disinfection of water in the markets of drinking water, aquaculture, process water and wastewater. Sterner has developed several own products. We also represent the world’s largest manufacturer of UV systems and ozone systems, as well as one of the largest manufacturers of oxygen...

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All Sterner AS catalogs and technical brochures

  1. KSF

    7 Pages

  2. AquaZone

    8 Pages