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Catalog excerpts


Tozer is a successful, independent vegetable plant breeding company. We've been committed to developing and supplying new varieties of vegetables to our customers for nearly 80 years. We are an international company head quartered in the UK with offices and warehouses in the USA, Holland and Spain. We currently export our seed to over 60 countries worldwide. In this catalogue you will see the latest selection of Tozer bred varieties including our versatile and successful range of hybrid celeries and parsnips. We were the first breeding company to produce commercial F1 hybrids of these...

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KEY: Earliness Leaf colour Plant type Shaft length 1 = Slow growing 1 = Light green 1 = Less erect 1 = Short 10 = Fast growing 10 = Dark green 10 = Erect 10 = Long

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Salad Onions TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: SALAD ONIONS VARIETY NAME ERECTNESS PEELABILITY Versatile variety – very upright leaves shed water quickly. Allium cepa Can be used for producing larger, bolder type salad onions. Exceptional winter hardiness. Allium cepa Exceptional red variety with mild flavour and crisp texture. Allium cepa x fistulosum A vigorous root system helps to maintain the strong upright leaves. Winter hardy. Summer Island Allium cepa Allium fistulosum Has a sweet flavour and a lower pungency. Very upright. KEY: Erectness 1 = less erect 5 = very erect Peelability 1 = less...

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VARIETY NAME PLANT TYPE LEAF COLOUR LEAF TEXTURE BOLTING TOLERANCE COLD TOLERANCE Eden F1 Curly kale Leaf width 1 = thin 5 = wide Green with white vein Green Curled leaf margin Ruffled Fantastic flavour and crisp texture. Long petiole, excellent yields. The information that has been provided is an average of the data gathered from various trial locations under European and USA conditions. Please be aware that variations in the growing environment and climatic conditions can render this information inaccurate, it is intended for general guidance only.

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Purple Sprouting Broccoli TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: PURPLE SPROUTING BROCCOLI CROPPING SPEAR COLOUR Dark Purple Suits mid season; excellent texture and flavour. Summer Purple Variable depending on time of year Versatile; good yield over long cropping period. Variable depending on time of year Suit fertile, heavy soils. Dark Purple Excellent winter hardy variety. Dark Purple Latest available cropping period. VARIETY NAME The information that has been provided is an average of the data gathered from various trial locations under European and USA conditions. Please be aware that variations in...

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Chilli P TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: CHILLI PEPPERS VARIETY NAME FRUIT COLOUR FRUIT HABIT FRUIT SHAPE FRUIT SIZE CM LENGTH FRUIT SIZE CM DIAMETER Very early Fastest maturing chilli; produces compact plants perfect for a pot. Fresno Chilli Supreme F1 Reliable fresh market chilli best suited for open field production. Pale green ripens to red Globular with small tail at fruit end Hybrid super hot chilli, vigourous and uniform.

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: CELERY The information that has been provided is an average of the data gathered from various trial locations under European and USA conditions. Please be aware that variations in the growing environment and climatic conditions can render this information inaccurate, it is intended for general guidance only.

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VARIETY NAME KEY: Petiole Colour Petiole texture Tolerance to bolting Resistance to Race 2 Fusarium 1 = very pale 1 = very ribby 1 = low IR = Intermediate Resistance 5 = dark green 5 = very smooth 5 = high HR = High Resistance

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: COURGETTES FRUIT SHAPE FLOWER SCAR Defender F1 Firenze F1 Midnight F1 Safari F1 TZ 3089 TZ 5174 Sunstripe Open bush Open Open Trailing/ climbing Open compact bush Open bush Green cylindrical Medium dark green cylindrical Medium dark green cylindrical Dark green with light stripes cylindrical Yellow cylindrical Yellow striped round Golden yellow stripes cylindrical Intermediate resistance to powdery mildew Very compact, spineless plants. Striking, striped fruits. Climbing habit. High yielding, versatile variety. Vibrant colour, great flavour. 1 TECHNICAL...

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: BASIL Calypso TZ 8296 Bolero Confetti A good standard coriander variety which has a high yield and vigour, with a classic green leaf colour and shape. Suitable for vertical farming systems. Darker leaf, high yielding with a nice upright plant habit making its ideal for harvesting. Novel type with a thin serrated leaf. Suitable for vertical farming systems. Ideal for salad packs Leaf colour: 1 = Pale 5 = Dark The information that has been provided is an average of the data gathered from various trial locations under European and USA conditions. Please be aware that...

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: CHARD TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: LETTUCE VARIETY NAME LEAF COLOUR LEAF MARGIN UNDULATION BOLTING TOLERANCE MILDEW RESISTANCE Ashbrook Oakleaf Light Green Unusual Oak leaf type can be used as baby leaf & whole head. Suitable for Vertical Farming Systems. Osterley Midi Romaine Crunchy cos leaf with a teardrop shape. Good for baby leaf and vertical farming systems.

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VARIETY NAME PLANT HABIT BOLTING TOLERANCE LEAF COLOUR LEAF THICKNESS MILDEW RESISTANCE Aphrodite Good jagged leaf shape from the first cut. Apollo Good uniformity and upright habit. Artemis Extremely slow bolting. Athena Ideal for main season production Fine leaves which are evenly Herakles / TZ 7635 A variety with good vigour, upright habit and improved uniformity. TZ 5623 Fast growing variety with high yields. Saturn Slow bolting & fast growing variety, good colour. Odyssey / TZ 8293 Darker leaf variety with good resistance to mildew and fusarium. Voyager More vigorous, uniform and...

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TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: RUNNER BEANS Yes Selected for Northern European production

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VARIETY NAME ROOT SHAPE ROOT UNIFORMITY Amethyst KEY: Root Uniformity: Skin Thickness: Tap Root: 1 = Low 5 = High 1 = Thin 5 = Thick 1 = Thick 5 = Thin Medium Loose & to Long Bunching Striking purple skin, slow to go pithy. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS: CARROT The information that has been provided is an average of the data gathered from various trial locations under European and USA conditions. Please be aware that variations in the growing environment and climatic conditions can render this information inaccurate, it is intended for general guidance only.

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All Tozer Seeds Ltd catalogs and technical brochures

  1. Kale

    2 Pages

  2. Leek

    2 Pages

  3. Salad Onions

    4 Pages


    4 Pages