Group: Group De Ceuster

Catalog excerpts

MADFUI ITALY WEB quality you can depend on VALLI S.p.A. Via Cimatti 2, 47010 GALEATA FC - ITALY Tel: +39.0543.975311 - Fax: +39.0543.981400 info@valli-italy.com - www.valli-italy.com PRODUTTORI Dl IMPIANTIAVICOLI *=# Sm aisasi POULTRY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURERS IIpbH3B0^HTeJIH 060{m0BaHHH flJlfl nTHUeBl^CTBa INSTALAQOES AVI qjJLAq kumes hayvanlariekIpmaniuretIcIlerI
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wnifeNrS 4 Dr. Roberto VALLI VALU's Founder 5 Philosophy of VALLI S.p.A. 6 VALLI Products 8 REARING 8 . Cage Specification 10 . Doors (Cage Front) 11 . Valli Travelling Flopper Feed Distribution 11 . Flat Chain Feeding 12 . Cleaning System for Manure on Belted Rearing Cages 12 . BABY BELT Cage Models 13 . BBQ Cage Models 14 .BBC- BABY BELT Convertible Models 16 . BABY AREA Models for Rearing Aviary 18 LAYING: BeIO - EUROPA - TROPICAL 18 . Belt-Clean Laying Cage System 20 . Cleaning System for Manure on Belted Laying Cages 21 . Summary of Belt-Clean Laying Cage System 22 . "A" frame Laying...
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VALLI's beginning Dr. Roberto Valti was bom on the 2jth of January 1924 in Cakata, a small village in the hills of "Romagna" near to the Tuscan border and Florence. In the Thirties life in this part of Italy was still permeated of that "Renaissance" spirit full of experimentation and lively creativity which has forged so many artists. The young Roberto took full advantage of this "spirit" by adding to his studies practical experiences in some of the many workshops of the area. A certificate in mechanics and a degree in economics completed the pobyhedric nature ofDr.Valti. During the years...
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quality you can depend on LAYING - ALTERNATIVE SYSTEMS CONFORMING TO ECCOUNCIL DIRECTIVE 1999/74/CE LAYING - ENRICHED ' CONFORMING TO EC COWNdiy DIRECTIVE 1999/74/CE LAYING - EXTRA UE£Y: VALLI S.pA. Via Cimatti 2, 47010 GALEATA FC - ITALY/ Tel: +3/0543.975311 Fax: +39.0543.981400 - info@valli.com
Open the catalog to page 4
... give them the best start REARING CAGES BABY BELT . Belt clean multi-tier cage systems with or without air duct (with or without catwalks for 6 tiers or more) Cage Specifications: Measurements: Front mm 1000 (39"), height mm 390 (15"), depth mm 630 or 705 (25"- 28") depending on priority of feed trough space or of total number of pullets. All cage is in zinc coated wire mesh. Double zinc coating is optional. Floor mesh is mm 19x19 (3/4"x3/4"). Floor: supported over longitudinal wires pulled from end to end. Metal plate edges on access of chicks to the feed trough and on the floor support...
Open the catalog to page 5
Air Duct: Rearing cage may have an Air Duct to improve pullets climate conditions and pullet growth by providing fresh air to all the birds, and manure drying. AIR DUCT in PVC has a large section (205 sq.cm) for very power-efficient ventilation. The diameter of blowing holes , ranging from 6 to 8 mm, is custom made according to cage system length to optimise ventilation uniformity. Valli Travelling Hopper Feed Distribution: Patented and unique, it consists of independent hoppers running, each one with two wheels on the round outer profile of the feed troughs. The feed drops by gravity and...
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Cleaning Systems for manure: PULLET EQUIPMENT WITH FLAT CHAIN FEEDING INSIDE Consisting of polypropylene belt with glossy surface , side guide rails raising the belt sides and with built-in manure deflector. Open sides above and under the side rails give better ventilation and manure drying. The heavy-duty drive , designed for cages up to 150 mts long (500 ft), consists of: A steel tube drive roller 0120 or 160 mm depending on the length of the cage rows. Two or more (depending on cage length) rubber coated pressure rollers mounted on hexagonal shaft 40 mm. One geared motor, one per belt,...
Open the catalog to page 7
PULLET CONVERTIBLE EQUIPMENT BBC Baby Belt Convertible TECHNICAL DATA Heights are subject to decrease to MAX -30 mm due to feet adjustment EQUIPMENT THAT FITS YOUR NEEDS MAIN FEATURES: • Length of each module 2004 mm (78 7/8") (support frames every 1002 mm - 39 7/16") • Dimensions of each cage when closed: 1000 x 800 - 900 mm (39 3/8" x 31 1/2" - 35 7/16") • All drinking lines adjustable in height • Feeding supply system by flat chain inside the cages. • Swing doors for an easy opening of the cages. • Folding front grid for converting the cages into Aviary system. • Wire mesh ramps into...
Open the catalog to page 8
REARING IN FREEDOM MAIN FEATURES: Length of each module: 3010 mm (118 1/2") • Optimum ratio between usable area, feeding space and perches • All drinking lines adjustable in height • Lifting doors for easy access to the colony • All chicks start brooding on the 1st floor. This helps the operator in the daily inspection during the first weeks of age • Outside ramps from floor to 1st level • 1st floor access for the work force for easy inspection, cleaning and catching of the birds • Lifting platform with adjustable drinking line in order to stimulate the pullets to jump from the second week...
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To prevent birds reaching eggs on the collecting belts and to deflect eventual lumps of manure onto the belts. Optionally the baffle can be perforated for birds claw shortening. Plastic Frame: To avoid eggs stopping on the vertical wires. Floating Floor: Over longitudinal wires running from end to end of the house and supported on every partition, maintaining the floor plane but not stiff: all eggs roll onto the collecting belts without crowding in one spot and with reduced floor slope. All wire mesh parts are hot-dip zinc-coated. Some parts as cage floor or partitions or all wire-mesh can...
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Nipple Drinkers: • 2 stainless steel push-action nipples in the middle of two opposite sided cages are standard. Birds Have access to 2 nipples. More nipples can be installed on request. A continuous drip collecting "V" shaped trough mm 70 wide is installed under the nipples on cages without air duct. Air Duct: Laying cages may have an Air Duct to improve birds1 climate conditions and egg production by providing fresh air to all the birds, and manure drying. AIR DUCT in PVC of large section (275 sq.cm) for a very power-efficient ventilation. The diameter of blowing holes, ranging from 6 to...
Open the catalog to page 11All VALLI S.r.l catalogs and technical brochures
Volo -USA 233
2 Pages
Volo - VITA 2.0 2 tiers
2 Pages
2 Pages
Volo - USA 186
2 Pages
Volo -PIRAMIDE PLUS 2 tiers
2 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
6 Pages
4 Pages
To complete your system
8 Pages
Volo -PIRAMIDE PLUS 3 tiers
2 Pages
6 Pages
Volo -USA 223
2 Pages
2 Pages