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Catalog excerpts

Preludio - 1

Breeding and Producing Organic Seeds Breeding and Producing Organic Seeds Breeding and Producing Organic Seeds Breeding the A brand new variety inand Producing Organic Seeds A brand new variety in the Vitalis assortment! A brand new variety in the Vitalis assortment! with superior field holding Preludio is a very early variety Vitalis assortment! with superior field holding Preludioand very early variety Bulbs form as soon as two capacity is a bolting tolerance. A brand new variety in the Preludioand very early variety with superiorthe market. capacity is a bolting tolerance. Bulbs form as soon as two weeks earlier than other hybrid varieties on field holding Vitalis assortment! capacity and bolting tolerance. Bulbs form as soon as two weeks earlier than other hybrid varieties on the market. Extra-large, rounded bulbs have a smooth white exterior Preludio is a than other hybrid varieties on field holding weeks earliervery early variety with superiorthe market. Extra-large,excellent internal quality. Expect high yields surface and rounded bulbs have a smooth white exterior capacity and bolting tolerance. Bulbs form as soon as two Extra-large,highly marketablequality. Expect high yields surface and excellent internal bulbs. of uniform, rounded bulbs have a smooth white exterior weeks earlier than other hybrid varieties on the market. surface and highly marketablequality. Expect high yields of uniform, excellent internal bulbs. Plants are easy to manage, with compact, upright tops Extra-large, rounded bulbs have a smooth white exterior of uniform, highly marketable bulbs. Plants are easy stems that resist compact, uprightvigor and well-filled to manage, with breaking. Good tops surface and excellent internal quality. Expect high yields Plants are easy stems that resist compact, uprightvigor and overall plantto manage, with breaking. Good tops well-filled health with strong tolerance to tipburn. of uniform, highly marketable bulbs. and overall plant attachment is narrow, proving atipburn. well-filled health with strong tolerance to smaller Bulb-to-taprootstems that resist breaking. Good vigor Plants are plant health with strong harvest. and overall easy to manage, fornarrow, proving atipburn. Bulb-to-taproot attachmentwith compact, upright tops than average cutting surface is easytolerance to smaller and average cutting surface is easy harvest. Bulb-to-taprootstems that resist breaking. Good vigor than well-filled attachmentfornarrow, proving a smaller This early-maturing hybrid is recommended for spring and average cutting surface strong harvest. thanoverall plant health withfor easytolerance to tipburn. This early-maturing hybrid isbut may be successfully and early summer harvest recommended for spring Bulb-to-taproot attachment is narrow, proving a smaller This early-maturingfall in northernmay coolerfor spring and earlyinto early hybrid isbut and be successfully harvested summer harvest recommended climates. than average cutting surface for easy harvest. and earlyinto early fall in northernmay cooler climates. harvested summer harvest but and be successfully This early-maturingfall in northern and cooler climates. hybrid is recommended maturity into early 65-75 Days from Transplant for spring harvested harvest period All Regions - Spring and early summer 65-75 Days from Transplant harvest but may be maturity harvest period All Regions - Spring Temperate climates. Northern Regions & cooler Climates harvested fall in northern and maturity into early 65-75 Days from Transplant harvest period Spring, Summer, Fall harvest period All Regions - Spring Temperate Climates Northern Regions & harvest period Spring, Summer, Fall Northern Regions & Temperate Climates maturity 65-75 Days from Transplant disCLaimer harvest period Descriptions, recommendations and illustrations included correspond as closely as possible to tests and practical experience. This information is provided to assist professional Spring, Summer, Fall disCLaimercircumstances shall EnzaAll Regionsliability based on such information for growers and users; however, variable local conditions must be taken into account.harvest period Under no Zaden accept - Spring Descriptions, recommendations and illustrations included correspond as closely as possible to tests and practical experience. This information is provided to and location. deviating results in the cultivated product. The purchaser is responsible for determining whether the items are suitable for the intended cultivation type assist professional disCLaimer growers and users; however, variable local conditions must be taken into account. Under no circumstances shall EnzaNorthern Regions & Temperate Climates Zaden accept liability based on such information for harvest period Descriptions, recommendations and illustrations included correspond as closely as possible to tests and practical experience. This information is provided to and location. deviating results in the cultivated product. The purchaser is responsible for determining whether the items are suitable for theSummer, Fall type assist professional Spring, intended cultivation growers and users; however, variable local conditions must be taken into account. Under no circumstances shall Enza Zaden accept liability based on such information for deviating results in the cultivated product. The purchaser is responsible for determining whether the items are suitable for the intended cultivation type and location. CoNtaCt iNFormatioN disCLaimer Descriptions, recommendations and illustrations included correspond as closely as amy Kaplan and practical experience. This information erica renaud possible to tests is provided to assist professional shaina Bronstein CoNtaCt iNFormatioN growers and users; however, variable local US/Canada Organic Technical Sales Promoter, Northwestconditions must be taken into account. Under no circumstances shall Enza Zaden accept liability based on such information for Organic Technical Sales Promoter, California/Arizona Business Manager, Organics & Herbs North America deviating results in the cultivated product. The purchaser is responsible for determining whether the items are suitable for the intended cultivation type and location. shaina Bronstein erica renaud +1 831-737-0525 | +1 831-998-1413amy Kaplan | +1 831-262-7635 | CoNtaCt iNFormatioN Organic Technical Sales Promoter, Northwest US/Canada shaina Bronstein +1 831-737-0525 | Place | Salinas, CA 93901 7 Harris Organic Technical Sales Promoter, Northwest US/Canada +1 831-737-0525 | Place | Salinas, CA 93901 7 Harris Organic Technical Sales Promoter, California/Arizona Business Manager, Organics & Herbs North America +1 831-998-1413amy Kaplan | +1 +1 855-800-ENZA | | | Toll Free831-262-7635erica renaud(3692) Organic Technical Sales Promoter, California/Arizona Business Manager, Organics & Herbs North America +1 831-998-1413 | +1 +1 855-800-ENZA (3692) |CoNtaCt iNFormatioN| Toll Free831-262-7635 |

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