Redball Buffer Sprayer
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Catalog excerpts

Redball Buffer Sprayer - 1

LET'S BE REAL. Whether it's dicamba, 2,4-D or any other pesticide, spray drift is a problem, and additional regulations are not going to solve it alone. YOU NEED TO TAKE ACTION. The Redball Buffer Sprayer is the answer to stopping drift along field borders and buffers. It delivers more spray on the intended target giving you the best chemical performance and helps preserve today's vital technologies. “I was skeptical of the hoods at first, but once I saw the results of using hoods around waterways and sensitive areas and the minimal time to use and maintain them, they proved to be easy and effective." - Logan Conrady, applicator at Tri-Ag Inc., Emden, IL

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Redball Buffer Sprayer - 2

Redball Buffer Sprayer The answer to stopping drift. “In 2019 with hoods, we could spray a burndown product like paraquat as well as 2,4-D, dicamba or glyphosate, and be able to spray when wind conditions were not favorable for the customer’s garden, fruit trees, or emerged crops. Hoods made that possible by reducing drift.” Jim Coop, manager at Tri-Ag Inc., Emden, IL Buffer Sprayer Practice Every applicator knows a field’s buffer zone and borders can be ground zero for drift problems. The hooded Redball Buffer Sprayer is the answer. The spray hood’s patent design encloses the spray pattern...

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Redball Buffer Sprayer - 3

Buffer Sprayer Economics A sprayer is more than just nozzles, wings and hoses. It’s an investment and vital equipment in any applicator or grower’s operation. The Redball Buffer Sprayer provides not just stewardship benefits, but economic advantages too. Redball Buffer Sprayer 10 hour spray day 8 mph application speed 39 acres/hour $8/acre custom rate $3,120/daily application revenue Buffer up to 3,000 acres daily by spraying 40' - 120' field buffers and make your self-propelled sprayer more efficient. Buffer Sprayer Benefits The Redball Buffer Sprayer is the best tool available to reduce...

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Redball Buffer Sprayer - 4

Ordering Three annual payments, first payment due 12 months from purchase(1) Redball Buffer Sprayer - 40' $9,000 annual payment 2.9 days of application revenue to pay annual hood cost Above pricing does not include freight. Freight not eligible for financing. F.O.B. Benson, MN 56215. Shipping at Willmar Fab’s discretion. To order call Redball at 877-332-2551 today. More Hooded Sprayers A A. 645 - Tractor Mounted Three-Point Broadcast Hooded Sprayer with Suspended Boom (60' - 100') B. SPK645 - Self-Propelled Broadcast Hooded Retrofit Kit (up to 80' kits) C. 642E - Three-Point Wheel Boom...

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