

Catalog excerpts


01) Head with flanged housing 02) Elevator foot 03) Head with rubberized drum and bench support 04) Foot with opened drum 05) Elevator barrels (two typologies) 06) Nylon buckets 07) Carbon steel buckets 08) Conduct connection channel 09) Auto cleaning system for seeds 10) Anti deposit system 11) Anti burst panel 12) Revolutions control sensor 13) Anti-veering sensor 14) Magnetic plate on snug WELDED BARREL CORTINA Roncade Treviso Airport S. Cipriano Casale sul Sile EXIT Preganziol Quarto d’Altino ZANIN F.lli s.r.l. Viale delle Industrie, 1 31032 Casale sul Sile (TV) - Italy BUCKET ELEVATOR Mogliano Veneto Marco Polo Airport Marghera Venezia ROME Direction www.zanin-italia.com info@zanin-italia.com ©2015 ZANIN F.LLI - All contents (text, photos, graphic) present in this brochure are propriety of the ZANIN F.LLI company and are protected by the current law. The brochure cannot be published, reproduced, rewritten, distributed, and commercialized without explicit authorization. Brands, denominations and the mentioned companies inside of this brochure are propriety of respective proprietors and are protected by the current law in matter of brands, patents and / or copyright. The company Zanin F.lli disclaims any liability for any inaccuracies in this depliant and reserves the right to make changes to the product as it deems appropriate at any time and without notice. VERONA MILANO WARNING: INFORMATION IS NOT BINDING, PLEASE REFER TO THE TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION RELEASED DIRECTLY BY ZANIN F.LLI BUCKET ELEVATOR

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BUCKET ELEVATOR The bucket elevator is used for granular products transportation with sliding. It is used for the transfer in height of products to ensile or to be transferred in working towers, process machines, fast loads. It is indicated for all products sensitive to grain breakage. The product enters for gravity in the loading snug, the belt movement with the buckets makes lift the product from the bottom towards top; in the superior part, after the head revolution, the product is released in a unloading hopper (optional). The capacity is given by the belt speed and by the buckets...

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