Alfalfa Hay & Pasture Mix
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Alfalfa Hay & Pasture Mix - 1

Alfalfa Hay & Pasture Mix Pasture Mix Alfalfa Hay and Pasture Mix was created to meet the needs of producers who want to optimize animal performance and maximize per acre return. It’s also a good choice for hay producers who want a high quality, balanced hay. • Components are present in the proper ratios to provide optimum pasture • Premium quality components selected for regional adaptation and performance • Maximum production per acre • Produces high quality balanced hay Seeding Rate: Endo-Graze XL Perennial Ryegrass Orion XL Ladino Clover Forage First® mixes include CrosseCoat™, an elite platform of proven seed coating and treatments to enhance germination, establishment and survival. The XL symbol represents branded products that match the Forage First® promise of quality. | 800.356.SEED | lacro

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