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TO M ATO Vitalis offers a wide range of tomatoes for all markets and growing conditions. In Northern regions and in areas with a shorter season, farmers are having great success with growing indeterminate tomatoes trellised in a high tunnel or unheated greenhouse. As trends for local produce expand, having the right varieties for season extension can provide profitability and recognition to growers. The varieties on this sheet represent the highlights of our full sized tomato program that are well suited for unheated conditions in organic systems. Caiman F1 - Large Beef This vigorous indeterminate beef tomato has an open plant with short internodes for easy management. The round fruits are large and have an attractive, deep red color at maturity. Caiman has excellent fruit set and is particularly recommended for unheated greenhouse production in the spring and summer. Producing above average yields of high quality fruits, Caiman delivers a tomato that is firm at maturity, with a tasty flavor that customers expect. H I G H RE S I S TA N C E : Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV ); Grey leaf mold (Ff:A-E); Verticillium wilt (Va/Vd) Fusarium wilt (Fol:0-1). INT ERMEDIAT E RESISTANCE: Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV); Nematode (Ma/Mi/Mj). CULTIVATION Unheated Greenhouse PLANT HABIT Open & Compact MATURITY Early WEIGHT 7.5 - 8.5 oz. (220-240 gr.) Granadero is an intermediate roma tomato that produces an impressive crop of large, shiny fruits. Maximize your tunnel production by planting this compact yet vigorous variety, selected for its strong disease package and reliable yields. Plants mature relatively early and elongated fruits are firm and flavorful. Bred for processing, this paste tomato has a nice balance of flesh and juice and has been praised for its fresh eating quality as well. In addition, Granadero demonstrates a tolerance to cooler conditions making it ideal for early protected plantings and season extension. H I G H RE S I S TA N C E : Tomato mosaic virus (ToMV ); Powdery mildew (Lt); Verticillium wilt (Va/Vd); Fusarium wilt (Fol:0-1). INT ERMEDIAT E RESISTANCE: Tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV); Nematode (Ma/Mi/Mj). CULTIVATION Unheated Greenhouse & Open Field PLANT HABIT Open MATURITY Early to Medium WEIGHT 5 oz. (150 gr.)
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Pozzano, is exceptional for its ability to produce large, unblemished fruits that will ripen to full red on the vine. Fruits are smooth and well filled, with a typical San Marzano shape without the green shoulders. Indeterminate plants produce striking cascades of uniform tomatoes that can be harvested loose or as trusses. Expect bountiful yields of the highest quality. Pozzano is aided by its high tolerance to blossom end rot, a singular feature for this type of tomato. With excellent shelf life and firmness, growers looking for a unique product will be impressed by Pozzano’s ease of...
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Cassia F1
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